Old Chapters

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- Chapter One -
Happy Sorrow

~ Three Years Later ~

'I'm out here again.' I think with a sigh. I can't help but let a small smile creep onto my face. I just love the cold, and I love the snow! I hear a distant gasp, "Father, there's a girl out there!" That sounds like the girl who got attacked three years ago. The wind picked up, blowing fresh snow into my face. I stood there, unmoving, not the least bit bothered by the cold, but rather, enjoying it.

"Hello?" I turn to face the man who is addressing me, not letting any emotion onto my face. "Goodness gracious me, you must be freezing, especially without a coat!" He reaches forward, attempting to put a hand on my shoulder. I step back, his hand inches from my shoulder. "Oh, I apologise, my name is Cross Kein, would you like to come with me?" My eyes widened, that's what he said. I silently nodded, before following him indoors. "Yuuki!" He called into the house. A girl around my age came out from what I assume was the living room. "This is my adoptive daughter Yuuki." Cross introduced, I nodded. She touched my hand that was hanging by my side and I snap it up to my chest, glaring. She's not completely human. Cross' phone rings, saved by the bell. "Okay. I'll be there in a few minuets. Okay. Bye." Putting the phone in his pocket, he then turns to us. "Make yourself at home, sweetheart, I'll be back soon. The bathroom's at the end of the corridor. Take care of her, Yuuki." With that, he walks out the door. Yuuki scoffs and stomps off to who knows where. 'Whats got her knickers in a twist?' I think to myself, 'Oh yeah, me' I chuckle.

I walk through the hallway and into the room I saw bitch-chan walk out of. 'Yup, definitely a living room.' I think while taking a seat on the sofa, awaiting cross' return.

~ 3 Hours Later ~

I sat, unmoving, at the same spot I was 3 hours ago, staring at the entrance to the living room. What else should I do? It's not my house, I don't know where to go, and I'm not going with Yuuki. I close my eyes, recalling all I saw on the way in. I remember Cross saying that the bathroom was at the end of the corridor. It'll be useful. I feel a sharp sting on my cheek, causing me to snap my eyes open. Yuuki. That bitch slapped me! I give her a glare that could make even the devil run for the hills. She had a look of terror before regaining her composure, scoffing, "freak." Turning round, she struts off once more.

The front door clicks open and I get up, slowly walking to the Cross and... "Zero." I say, softly. He looks up at me with a broken gaze, letting relief seep onto his features at the sight of me. That's when bitch-chan walks in. 'Great.' *note sarcasm* "Yuuki, this is Kiryuu Zero. His family was killed by a bad vampire. Could you show him to the bathroom to get him cleaned up, please?" She nodded an stepped forward. "Can I touch you?" She says tentatively. "No." I state, bluntly. "I'll do it." As Zero walks to me, I gently take his hand and led him to the bathroom. Going in and locking the door, I loose myself in my thoughts about what happened until I was brought back to reality by a broken voice. "I thought she killed you, Hime-sama."

I'll show you a sweet dream the next night.

Chapter Two

I gently smiled at the boy in front of me, before scooping him into a hug. "Zero, how many times do I have to say it? It's Cipher for you."

~ 6 Years Later ~

"Kyaaaaa!" 'Urgh, every day they're out here, every day!' I shoot them a glare as I step closer to them, an evil aura surrounding me, making them shrink back in fear. "If i so much as hear you breathe, let's just say that you won't be breathing no more." They nod, stepping back in line. Satisfied with my work I go to lean against a tree. 'Ah, scaring fangirls is always my favourite hobby.' I sigh contentedly, at the thought. That's when I hear a whisper coming from the fangirls. Snapping my head up towards the day class, I give them a glare, making them run off towards the dorms, screaming. I let out an agitated sigh; 'Every day.'

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2019 ⏰

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