Chapter 7 - Everything's falling apart.

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'He said it! He actually said it! He's just gorgeous- great. I'm starting to act like a girl. Game over for me. Next I'll be thinking of dresses and makeup... See? Told you.' Zero takes my hand pulling me up. He keeps my hand in his, linking our fingers as we begin to walk to the day class dorms. 'I can't believe it! I thought he'd go for the bitch! Well, I am a bitch but that's beside the point- Vampires!' Zero lets go of my hand and pulls out the Bloody Rose, sensing them too.

"Hello, vampires." Zero spits, venom filling his words. "That's the most polite he'll ever get towards you, so make the most of it." I chuckle. Zero lets a smirk onto his face. "Shut up Cipher." "That's not very nice Zero! Geez, people will start to think you are mean!" I scold playfully, chuckling at the end. "Listen to me!" Aido fumes. "Huh? Were you talking?" I ask genuinely confused. This causes him to growl. "You know that cocky attitude is what makes people hate you." Aido snarls, ice covering the ground beneath our feet. "People hate me? Really? My whole life has been a lie?!" I cry over dramatically, making Zero laugh, as well as Rima and Senri. Believe it or not, I am actually friends with Rima and Senri; Pokey cures everything!

"The way you two treat Lord Kaname, is unacceptable! You two are just mere humans!" Aido yells at us. "You know, the adults should tell the child off, not the other way around. Now off to bed little boy, or you'll be grounded!" I scold playfully, fulling Aido's anger. "Now, calm down, we don't need to fight." Akatsuki said calmly, placing a hand on Zero's shoulder. Zero growls, flipping him over his shoulder. "Lame." Rima and Senri chuckle at the shocked face of the vampire. "Shut up." Akatsuki orders as he gets up off the ground. "I'm not responsible for what's about to happen." He growls, the tree behind him suddenly being engulfed in flames. 'This is bad. Really bad.' I think, now going into a fighting stance. "Bring it on, vampire!" Zero and I declare, looking forward to the fight. 'I don't care if it's bad, I've not been in a fight for a while. This'll be fun!'

"What is going on here!?" 'She has the worse timing ever.' I think with a sigh, getting out of my fighting stance. "Now she's here, the mood's gone." Rima states, dispersing with the others back to class. "Zero! What do you think you're doing!? The Disciplinary committee are supposed to break up fights, not start them! And you!" Bitch-chan screeches, turning to me, "You shouldn't be out past curfew! Go to the headmaster immediately!" Bitch-chan whips round, storming off to the headmaster's. "No getting out of this one, Cipher." Zero sighs, raking a hand through his hair. "Just watch and learn, Slinger."

-At the Headmaster's-
"CIPHER!!!!" The headmaster yells as he tries to pull me into a hug. I sidestep, causing him to hug Bitch-chan instead. 'Heh, that will teach her to stand behind me.' I think smirking at her annoyed expression. Turning to the now sobbing headmaster that re-appeared behind his desk. "You're so mean Chipher-chan!" He whines. "HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO TELL YOU!?!?!?!? IT'S CHIOYE TO YOU!!!!" I yell at the self proclaimed 'father figure' in front of me. Suddenly becoming serious he orders, "Yuuki, Zero, go to your dorms." They comply "Bitch." Yuuki snarls at me as she walks out. Zero, gives me a quick peck on my lips, "I'll wait for you outside, sweetheart."

"So, Chioye you must become a member of the disciplinary committee since you know of Vampires. And now, the night class know you know." He sighs, "I am truly sorry, I did try to keep it under wraps." I growl, "Well then, just keep your leeches under control. I am never becoming a bodyguard for vampires." "Is that all, Chioye?" The headmaster sighs once more at my stubbornness. "There is just one thing... Come on out, Kuran, didn't mommy ever tell you it's rude to ease drop?" I snarl at the pureblood at the other side of the door before storming out of the office. Something feels off. Walking down the corridor, I begin to feel lightheaded. Grabbing onto the stair rail for support, I let the vision overtake me.

Gasping, I brake into a run towards the north staircase. 'Zero!' I stop at the top of the staircase, looking down at the scene that is about to unfold. Zero is holding Yuuki by a bloody hand, just great. I leap forward, seeing Zero's eyes turn red, and push an unaware Yuuki out the way, myself in her place. Zero locks me in his vice-like grip, trailing his tongue along my neck, making Yuuki wince at the sight. Without hesitation, he sings his fangs harshly into my neck. 'Ouch.' I think, almost getting lost in the pain that I enjoy so much.

"Yuuki, are you okay?" I ask the startled girl genuinely, barely holding back a cry of pain. 'He has never made it hurt this much before! For Janshin's sake Zero! You know I'm a masochist!' She barely gives me a nod before she faints. 'Hey! I'm the one loosing way too much blood right now!' "Zero. Enough." No response. I begin to feel my grip on the world slipping. If I'm feeling lightheaded because of blood loss, then he has taken a lot. Using my remaining strength, I easily get out his grip, sliding down the wall so I can take a seat on the floor, covering the holes on my neck.

Luckily, Zero quickly comes back to his senses. "Cipher! I am so sorry!" He quietly apologies, guilt showing on his features. "Hey, what are you apologising for? Better me taking the hit than Yuuki right?" I smile weakly at him, "besides, at least you didn't chew my head off!" I sing in a tone too happy for the conversation.

"Kiryu." "Fuck. Well, that's my good mood gone out of the window!" I breathe out, still weak from blood loss. "You have been reduced to a bloodthirsty beast, Zero Kiryu." Kuran states. "You are not going to harm him in any way, Kuran, or I'll kill you." I say in all seriousness, meaning every word. "Now check your bitch, Kuran she fainted." I state, pulling myself up off the floor. He growls, eyes turning red at the smell of my blood before picking up Yuuki in a bridle style, and leaving. I sigh deeply, a tear traveling down my face, "It's all falling apart."

I'll show you a sweet dream the next night.

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