prologue/chapter 1

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It all started out like any other day..... however it was raining. No thunder nor lightning just rain. I was taking the bus to school looking out the window. I remember the day I was adopted as if it was yesterday. I am not exsactly human after all. I was born from a lotus on a Lilly pad. The Lanternton family was shocked by this whisnessing a single flower hold a new born who didnt cry. In fact my hair was originally a black in color but when Mr Lanterton my dad dunked me onto the water to get all the pollen off me my hair turned pink. Like the lotus. After that I started crying likely hateing the fact that I was put underwater. They fell for me all but my aunt Nancy she hates children that are not her own. So here we are 18 years later I am on the bus the other kids throwing paper and gum around i made sure to dodge the incoming objects however, I got a paper air plain to the head. I burnt the paper my anger rising. I then realized my hair was starting to catch on fire. I sighed and calmed down which exstinwished the fire. To day you see is the last day of school and I had my graduation in the evning. I sighed once I got to school. I immediately went to the football field for my graduation practice. I was board out of my mind and to be honest when it was over I wasn't looking forward to doing it again that night which would be cold.

Time skip to the next day
I awoke early in the morning and realized "oh yeah I am not in school anymore..." I sighed and looked away. When my mom came bursting in tears in her eyes. "Mom are you okay," I asked. She shook her head as a no. "Go to the living room," she said in a shaky voice. I got up from the bed and walked to the living room as per my mom's demand. "Sit," my dad demanded.

I sat down and lo and be hold they look at each other. "Alice your grandfather died last night.....,"my mom said as she burst out crying. My maturnal grandpa died last night? I was stunned to say the least. "What happened," I asked. "Your grandfather had cancer and his lawyer will be here any time now," just as my father said that the door bell rang. I got up and went to open the door. When i opened the door a man in a black suit and a blue tie aunburn brown hair slicked back and black eyes. He looked at me and smiled. " I am your grandpa Ron's lawyer anyways can i come in," he asked. I nodded and stepped out of the way letting him in.

When he stepped in i closed to door as he walked to the couch. He took out a breafcase and opened it. He then proceeded to read the will. "To my granddaughter I leave my estate and fortune. To my two daughters I leave my cars my son in law you are to take care of all my fees and debts. Though I have no debts only the funeral needs to be paied for leave the reast to my granddaughter the business will be run by Alice after she goes to the school for business in gravityrises," he read aloud. My jaw dropped and my parents jaws dropped. My grandpa Ron left me basically the mansion and everything in it plus the family business! My dad who is vice chairman will be taking over it until I finish business school.

I started to cry. "What are you happy now," my dad spat clearly mad that I basically got everything. I shook my head as a no and tears streaming down. "Why would he leave me his legacy when you are better suited for it dad," I said. The lawyer then had me, my mom, and dad sign it. After the lawyer left my parents had me pack my belongings. I had one week to have everything in my room in boxes.

That is what I did. I felt like they were kicking me out. After a week I had everything in the moving truck. I had to drive it to gravity rises. I was happy to have a job gernteed for me but I had to go to a four year college.

I sighed driving non stop to gravity rises, organ. When i saw a sign saying welcome to gravity rises I smiled tired out of my mind.

On the way to the mansion I noticed a lot of people looking at the truck weird like they never seen a moving truck. I smiled never the less. Upon arriving at the mansion I noticed maids lined up allong the drive way bowed down. I parked the truck and turned off the truck. When i got out I saw that the maids helped me with the moving of the stuff. "Can someone take me to an empty bedroom please and you can put it in there. I yawned sleepy and ready to pass out. However what I didn't know that eight pairs of eyes were looking at me from the now closed iron gate. "Who's she," A boy woth white hair asked. "Does it look like I know," A brunette haired boy said. "Maybe she is the old man Ron's granddaughter remember the one he was so fond of her singing," A blonde haired girl said with joy. "Her hair is so pink," A brunette haired girl remarked narrowing her crystal blue eyes.

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