chapter 7

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I growled and sighed. "FINE IF IT SHUTS YOU UP," I yelled. He let me go satisfied with what he has done. "Meet me outside your manor at 6pm," Dipper said then took me home. I was thinking of ways to murder him as I blocked my mind from being read.

Once home he took me to the door. I was unlocking the door when he looked at me expectantly. "What?" "Don't I get a good bye kiss," Dipper asked. I went into the manor and said no as I slammed the door on him.

I sigh and walked to my closet and changed clothes. I made sure he left then I went to the pines family. I drove there as it was a long way to there. I entered the mystery shack and smiled. "Yo Blondie and old geezer," I yelled. I heard foot steps running down the stairs and I saw Giddion and Pacifica. "Don't call me old geezer again," Giddion said. "And don't call me blondie," Pacifica said. "Yeah but it got your attention didn't it? Anyways I need to talk to you two." The cousins looked at each other. "What is it," they asked in unison. "In privet I don't want to get killed," I said in a hushed tone. They took me to their room and I told them what's going on. Pacifica looked at me sadly andc Giddion gave me the look of pity. "Yeah i know but I don't even like him. He is so dam annoying. I wanna lure him out to the lake and drown him," I growled the last part out.

They understood how I felt. "Alice you need to do something, he will kill you more of his sister than him," Pacifica said. "We don't want you to die because you are the only nice siren around," Giddion said. I deadpanned,"Geee thanks Giddion." Suddenly somedone knocked on the window and I looked to see dipper. "C÷$p I gotta go like now," I said and ran down the stairs and to my car. Dipper floated to the seat next to the drivers seat and cleared his thr throat. "I thought you were going to stay at your manor," Dipper said.

So Far away Dipper gleeful x reader/oc DiscontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now