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No one tells a willow that it is beautiful because that's just how it is.
No one tells an oak that it is strong because that's how it's always been.
No one questions the intelligence of the wise, old owl,
Nor inquires of the reasons that a wolf may howl.

So, why ,in all of our understanding of nature, do we as people neglect to apply these same principles to one another?
Why do we demean the attractive for their beauty?
Why do we belittle the brave for their courage?
Why do we undermine the intelligent for their brilliance?

Why does everyone feel the need to validate their existence to another person?
And why does everyone respond in kind with more questions of validation?
We undermine, belittle, and demean one another,
And yet we question why so many people are insecure in themselves.

The answer is simply this - we as humans seek the acceptance of others.
We wish to be praised and put upon a pedestal to honor our "amazing" achievements.
We yearn for a pat on the back and looks of wonder and jealousy from our peers.
We are so busy looking for our approval among others that we forget about the approval from ourselves.

In the end, these compliments are nothing more than mere seconds in comparisons to the accomplishments of eternity.
They will mean as little as a morning greeting or a wave from someone passing down the street.
The things that we strive to find in others will mean nothing when we are on our deathbeds.
So why seek this acceptance from others?

Why not live in the knowledge that you have done your best for you and no one else?
Why not be your own person who lives their lives with little care of others opinions?
Why seek in others what you can find in yourself?

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