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Who said a break up was only between lovers?
Why not brothers or sisters or mothers?
Why not friends or classmates?
Or anyone that makes your heart race?

Because something I have learned
From all the times that I've been hurt
Is that sometimes the biggest heart ache
Didn't come from the one that kissed you all day

You see, it hurts more to lose your best friend
Because that type of friendship is never supposed to end.
It's meant to be eternal without a question,
But sometimes, they use you which teaches you a lesson.

Not every friend you have is worth keeping
No matter how much you wish they weren't leaving.
If they treat you like trash and don't care for your opinion,
Then you need to move on and stop being their minion.

They didn't really care about you as person.
They manipulated you through coercion.
So, forget the friends that only used you
And just go out into the world and be you.

Private Thoughts of a Depressed TeenМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя