Chapter One: Keep Your Deer Out of the House

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    Kona could hear the argument from her room. Skylar, her cousin, had brought deer in the house again. Two baby fawns. She was trying to nurse them back to health. But they were nursed enough with all the trouble they've gotten into. 

They were supposed to stay in the shed in the backyard. It wasn't too small. But it was tiny by Skylar's standards. However, it was the shed or back to the forest so Kona's cousin caved. This happened all summer long. Tomorrow would be the start of school. And the deer would have to return to the wild tomorrow. Skylar wanted to break the rules today.

While Skylar argued with her aunt, Kona continued reading her latest magazine. She loved these things. Kona had subscriptions to gaming magazines, magic magazines, and teenage magazines. The codes, tips, tricks, and gossip always made her laugh.

But in all of them there's always a warning. Magazine company's are being paid to tell their readers to be on the look out for Magickers. And if a reader is a Magicker, to turn yourself in. (Looks like people'll do anything for the right price.) Magickers are similar to criminals. But it's not their fault. You have to be born a Magicker or grow into one. A Magicker is someone that can use or create magic outside the usage of Ryne. Ryne are stones allowing humans to use magic.

Kona is a Magicker. She didn't know until she forgot to wear her fox charm bracelet. The fox is Kona's spirit animal. And her bracelet is enhanced with Ryne. When she transformed to go for a run in the backyard forest, she wasn't expecting to be a Magicker. After becoming a fox, Kona noticed she wasn't wearing her bracelet. And her clothes didn't have Ryne in them. So she feared for herself so she told no one and continued to act as if she doesn't even know. Her facade must have been really good if she's kept it hidden this long. After all, that day was over two years ago.

Speaking of two years ago, around this time of the year marks Skylar's two year anniversary of living with Kona. Skylar used to live in a different town but had to move when her parents died suddenly. The police still don't know what caused it. But ever since then, Skylar has lived with Kona. The only difference now is that Skylar is attending Kona's school tomorrow.

"Kona, your appointment is in twenty minuets." That was Kona's mother reminding her daughter about her hair appointment. Kona is getting it dyed for school. Her natural hair color is black, but Kona wants to have it turn into a blue-ish ombre at the tips.

"Yeah, OK." Kona checked the weather app. Cloudy. Thankfully the hair salon isn't too far away.


It started raining when Kona got back. She almost had to turn into fox form because of the weather. In fox form her newly colored hair wouldn't get ruined.

Checking the weather app again, Kona pouted. It would be stormy with a chance of thunder and lightning tonight. And just her luck, tomorrow, when school starts, will be sunny. Supposedly not a cloud in the sky tomorrow.

Kona got pulled out her thoughts when a chair fell over. Is this how I'm gonna die? Murder? Or a heart attack? 

"Kona," It's only Skylar. "Kona, can I sleep with you tonight? It's supposed to have lightning tonight." Skylar is deathly afraid of thunder and lightning.

"Sure, Sky." Kona said with a sweet smile. "What time is it anyway? I just got back not to long ago."

"Eight." Skylar replied, green eyes wide with innocence. Eight? Kona thought. I thought it was six PM the latest. Kona changed into pajamas quickly and allowed Skylar into her room. One of the reasons Skylar wanted to sleep with Kona is because she loves the soft sheets her cousin has. Pastel purples mixing well with navy blue swirls. Yes, Skylar is scared of lightning. But it made a great excuse as well.

"Goodnight, Sky."

"Goodnight, Kona."


Kona was in fox form, tired and bleeding. A gun was pointed at her. She was chained up and couldn't react.

"Magickers are nothing but wastes of space in this world. They take all of Ryne's power for themselves. They leave nothing for us..." A figure surrounded in darkness was saying these hurtful words to her. Kona didn't know what was going on. But she was terrified.

"When all Magickers die, Ryne will be more plentiful. Ryne will be stronger. And those who can properly control it, like me, would be God-like! But first, Magickers must go. Especially you and your pathetic cousin!" Kona never felt so angry. And mysteriously, a light was surrounding her. However, before she could figure out what was going on to do anything, all went black.


Kona bolted up in her bed, gasping. She woke up from that awful dream. And just her luck, lightning was striking. Skylar was fast asleep to notice. But Kona was freaking out. She knew she had to go to sleep. The first day of school was in less than 24 hours. 

She didn't want to be exhausted when she took the Ryne test. She would have to keep up the facade of being a normal girl. Kona can't fail that test.

Kona shuddered at the thought of what would happen if she failed. She would be in danger. The government and strangers probably wouldn't show mercy to her.

And what about Skylar? Skylar only gets by mostly with the help of Kona. Without Kona, would Skylar sleep well? Would she struggle with homework still? Kona's mother is a terrible teacher. How will Skylar learn to cook without Kona? Skylar may be a couple of years younger than Kona, but she was extremely dependent on her.

Skylar, Kona thought. For your sake I will do everything I can to not fail the Ryne Test. I love you my little cousin. Even if you're only a couple years younger than me, I still want to protect you. You're so shy in public. I'm a Magicker. You probably aren't, but that doesn't matter to me. And hopefully it doesn't matter to you.

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