Chapter Three: Sisters, Egos, Visions & Jailbreak

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    "Are you alright?" They both asked the same question in sync. Both girls had worry in their eyes, with hints of confusion. The only difference was that Kona felt guilty, that this could have been avoidable. And Skylar, amazed.

Skylar always looked up to Kona. She was her big sister figure, even though they're cousins. Kona always looked out for Skylar. Doing her best to help her younger cousin. That's why Kona hid the fact that she was a Magicker for so long. Her own little secret that wouldn't hurt Skylar as long as it was hidden. Secrets out now.

"Kona," Skylar started, with big green eyes, "I didn't know I was a Magicker until today. Did you know that about yourself?" Skylar was hoping that Kona was going to say no. Why would Kona keep a secret from her? Her, of all people. That's similar to betrayal in Skylar's eyes.

"I, um, didn't know until today either," Kona lied. Would Skylar still trust her if she told the truth? She knew about how Skylar doesn't like to feel betrayed (or in her cased lied to).

Another hour passed and soon the Ryne testing was done. All the Magickers were gathered in the space.

"So," a voice spoke up, "you're all the freaks in this place." The word "freaks" had the most emotion attached to it. Everyone in the room looked to the door. There were three people. One man and two teenage girls. 

"I am Dr. Stultus. I've been hunting Magickers for a while now." The man who spoke motioned for his two tailgaters to come into the room.

"These are my apprentices. They're the ones who invented the gas you all breathed in. The gas you all breathed made sure you all lost your cognitivity and transformed into your spirit animal. They're the ones who helped me find and catch you all. Your spirit animal is the weakest magic you control. Why? Because even though it is common thing for normal people, Magickers are different. Since you don't need Ryne, your bodies act differently. They also invented your restraints. I'm sure there's more Magickers in this school, after all it is big."

He left the room after whispering to the two girls.

"My name is Siren," one of them began, "and this is my little sister Kari." Siren introduced herself as the better of the two. Saying how her silver hair was like moonlight and how she was smarter and all that good stuff. Kari seemed to have anger issues and often yelled at Siren, which was what she was doing right now. She kept saying how Siren would be nothing without her. You could tell they took pride in their work. But both girls looked and acted absolutely vain.

Siren seemed to love her hair. She had a brush on the back of her skirt and was frequently fidgeting with it. Kari had shimmery gemstones for accessories. Her headband, bracelet, and necklace had sapphires in and around them. At first their arguing was about their "work", but then it spread to how the other sister had it better and then that grew to how selfish the Magickers in the room were to them for being there.

Kona got sick of hearing their bickering, as did Skylar.

"Shut the hell up! You're both giving me a migraine! You think we want to be here? No! How can someone be so egotistical as you two?!" Kona was practically screaming. Her face was red. Almost a little too red.

Siren and Kari each put on a victim persona and started retorting to Kona.

"You t-think we're egotistical?" said Siren.

"We're g-giving you a migraine?" spoke Kari.

Both looked at each other before smirking and looking back at Kona. Kona knew what she had unleashed. And in that moment, she messed up.

"Uncle!", both girls wailed, "we were just attacked by a vile Magicker!" Siren took her brush and kept hitting her arm repeatedly with it. Kari snatched it out her hand when she was done and did the same.

Everyone in the room could hear the pounding footsteps coming. It scared the Magickers and just made the sisters smirk even more. Now I've done it! Kona thought. She could only stay still on her knees while the world felt like it was collapsing.


Kona's mother was typing when she heard a knock come from the front door. When she opened it, it revealed men in suits. Both had neutral faces on, it almost looked unnatural and robotic.

"Are you the guardian of Kona Runes and Skylar fawns?"

"Yes? Is something the matter?" The one who spoke nodded and motioned his head towards the woman. 

"921, if you must?" 921 took out a futuristic looking taser, clearly full of Ryne. Kona's mother screamed before falling to the floor. After his partner did the deed, the speaker looked up into the sky. "Now place this house on quarantine. I don't want anyone here that's not authorized to be here." The once welcoming looking house was now behind police tape. 

"Sir, what happens now?"

"What do you mean 'what happens now'? This is the last house on the list, 921."

"What I meant, Mr. Eon, was what if the Magickers who lived here escape and come here?"

Mr. Eon smirked at his partners comment. "921, I understand you're new and all, but what a ridiculous question to ask. The place where the Magickers are contained is almost impossible to break out of. Only an incredibly powerful Magicker, or two, could break out. Even then the possibility of that happening is slim."

"Understood, Sir. But what about the woman that we tasered?" I am worried about her.

"Ah, yes. Poor woman. Her fate for housing Magickers is the same as being a Magicker.



Kona gasped right before the door opened. Anger was the only emotion her body was allowing her to feel. Her hands were shaking. She was scaring herself, Skylar, and everyone else in the room. Well, almost Siren's and Kari's uncle had anger that could rival Kona's right now.

"My darling nieces! Are you alright?!" He got on his knees and started hugging the haughty sisters.

"Oh, uncle it was horrible!"

"Just awful!"

Then they both pointed to Kona. "And she did it!"

Kona looked up with fury in her eyes. She was ready to defend her family and fellow Magickers from the persecution they all faced. 

"I did no such thing!" Heat was starting to build up in her shaking hands, but she chose to ignore it. "I don't know why or how you think it's OK to treat us like garbage! We were only born differently! We can't chose it! And I know that it helps. I saw what you and your fellow persecutors do to my mother!" Kona's restraints were getting hotter and hotter, close to the point where they would be melting. Yet, she felt nothing about it.

She also saw the expressions of everyone else her presence. She just assumed that it was from what she was saying. "You've probably done the same to the other Magickers", she continued. "But I'll inform you that we can fight back and defend ourselves! For us, for our families, for our fellow Magickers, past and present, and for those who are on our side! Now, prepare for the storm you have unleashed."

She smiled and with a slight pull of her hands, her handcuffs, with everyone else's, broke into two. Instinctively, all the Magickers transformed into their Spirit Animals to leave the soul crushing place known as their prison.

"Goodbye you monsters," said Kona as she tied them up with no effort at all. "See you never!" And with that she left, unknowingly starting a war that would determine the fate of Magickers forever.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2019 ⏰

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