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As I'm driving down this old run down back road, I see things that look so damn familiar, but at the same time I've never seen them before. It's like I'm waiting to see that one thing to make everything click. And when I see that one thing, everything will flood back into my mind. All of the memories, the sunny days, and starry nights, or possibly the hurt and sadness. Maybe there was some brokenness in this feeling. Maybe I didn't want to remember.

Libertys POV
I woke up and got out of bed. Seemed like a normal day to me. It's a Wednesday, so that means I'm going to eat breakfast at the diner where my Godmother works. I looked outside and wondered why my car wasn't in the drive way. I walked back inside to look for the keys and they were nowhere to be found. Then I looked at the fridge.

Your car is in the shops
- linda

Oh great. I'm stuck walking.
I made my way down the old streets of my small town. It was kind of chilly out today. I have not one clue why. It's noon on a sunny summer day. Why is it... chilly? I finally arrived at the diner and walked in. A handsome boy was standing at the counter. He's never been here before. Who was he?
His face brightened when he saw me.
"Hey Li-" the boy was cut off by my godmother, Linda, smacking him and giving him one of those 'use your damn head' looks. Weird.
His face dropped and he suddenly looked sad. Then, the boy made his way over to me.
"Hi I'm Alessio. I'm Linda's nephew." He smiled, sticking his hand out. I shook his hand and smiled.
"I'm Liberty. But you can call me Libby".
Alessio took me to a table and sat down across from me.
"So your Linda's god daughter?" He questioned. We got to know each other a good bit within about an hour. It felt like... maybe I had known him in a past life. Alessio has a smile that you could easily fall in love with. His laugh was a beautiful sound to here. He wore a red beanie to match the red apron he had tied around his waist.

Alessios POV
   I know Libby. I know her very well. In fact, i think... no... I KNOW that I'm in love with her. Something happened about 7 months ago. It broke my heart. It was the worst day of my life. Libby and I were best friends, even though I only knew her for 7 months before what happened.
   But I guess bad things happen to good people right? I don't know...
     When I first met Libby, I thought that she had seen the worst of life. Her parents were killed and she was left to fend for herself at only 13. She moved in with my aunt, but when she was about to turn 16, she decided to move back into her home and live by herself.
    I looked at the beautiful girl sitting across from me. She was playing with the gold ring on her finger.
"Whatcha doing?" I asked her. She blinked and snapped her head up to look at me.
"Oh sorry... I mess with my ring sometimes when I'm flustered..." she explained.
"Why are you flustered?"
"I get nervous around cute boys.." Libby giggled.
I blushed and smiled at her.
I then rested my hand on hers to signal for her to calm down. She stopped playing with the ring and looked at me once again.
"Aw come on I'm not that cute" I laughed. And for a second, I forgot about everything. I was saddened when I remembered.
Something she can't do.
   I ended up having to go to work, and Libby ended up leaving.

The next day
Alessios POV

This was the first bad day I've had with Liberty. All of the days before today have been good. I introduced myself, we talk, and we laugh. But today was different I guess.
    She walked into the diner, looking as beautiful as ever.
"Welcome to Reds(the name of the diner)" I greeted her.
"I know that this is Reds. I come here almost daily" she said in a 'duh' tone.
"I'm Alessio" I smiled at her.
"And I'm L-... not interested..." she rolled her eyes and sat in the same booth she always sits in.
I walked over to her booth and sat down across from her.
"I'm Linda's nephew by the way. New to town." I told her, even though I wasn't technically 'new' to town anymore.
"Doesn't make me anymore interested." She snapped.
"Oh okay well I just-" she cut me off before I could finish.
"GOD can't you see that I don't like you!? Just leave me alone and stop trying to hit on me!!" She yelled. I was now standing up. Tears blurred my vision and spilled down my face without me even blinking. I slammed down the pen that I was holding and ran into the supply closet.
     Next thing I knew I was sitting in an upside down bucket, balling my eyes out. Dammit... why can't she just be normal. Why can't I just go back to the day of the accident.
   If I could then I would've kissed her like I was planning on doing. Even if she didn't like it it still would've taken up an extra 2 minutes of her time and the accident wouldn't have happened. The night before, I had prayed for a sign to tell me if I should kiss her or not. I guess I should've specified that I wanted the wanted the sign BEFORE I planned on kissing her. God had different plans that day I guess... I wish she could remember.

I started to think about the 4th of July. Libby and I were chasing each other right before the fireworks. She almost got away, but I grabbed her arm, causing her to spin around. Our faces were so close together. I was going to kiss her that night to... it just wasn't planned. That was the night I asked for a sign to kiss her, which I  asked for the sign after I went home after the fireworks. The fireworks started just moments before I was about to kiss her, causing both of us to turn our heads. I remember.
Something she can't do.

Give me a smile before you go💛// Alessio Scalzotto Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant