New friend💛

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May be confusing, but from this point on, the book will take place 7 months before the first chapter took place, then we will work our way back up to the time that the first chapter took place.

Because of you, I can't seem to think straight

7 months earlier
Libertys POV

   It was a normal Wednesday morning. Every Wednesday, I stop by Reds, which is a local diner that my Godmother runs. Linda(my godmother) takes care of me most of the time. She feeds me breakfast and dinner at the diner, and checks up on me every few nights. I live alone at 16 years old. My dad was killed in a wreck, and my mom couldn't take it, and killed her self.
    The walk to the diner is short. I usually drive, but I lost my job and didn't have enough for gas this week. Plus it was nice out. Sunny, and around 60 degrees. I was in jeans, converse, and a surfing T-shirt. I also had a thin grey jacket hanging loosely off of me.
    "Okay... I have to go eat really quick... then I have 2 interviews today." I told myself. Linda's Diner made some good money. The women was practically loaded, but I never took up her offers on cash. I just couldn't bring myself to do it. She gives me free breakfast every morning, and free dinner every night. That doesn't count the times that I drive over during school lunch and eat, but it's currently summer.
   The door rang and the beautiful Italian language filled my ears.
"Lo giuro se le fai delle mosse (I swear if you make any moves on that girl)" Linda yelled.
"Zia non lo farò!! Smettila di colpirmi! (Aunt I won't!! Stop hitting me)" I heard a teen boys voice. Seconds later, Linda strolled out from the kitchen, and a tall, tan boy followed.
"Linda, sai che parlo Italiano, vero?( Linda, you know I speak Italian, right?)" I smiled at her. She looked up at me and smiled.
    Linda was a small, frail lady. The boy looked a good bit like her. I smiled at him, and he gave me a small grin in return.
"I'm Liberty. You can call me Li-" I was cut off by the boy.
"Libby... Linda told me all about you!! I'm Alessio." He said. Alessios energy was huge. He was obviously happy, and seemed like he could run a marathon right this instant.
"Nice to meet you Alessio." I said shaking his hand and laughing a bit. I could tell we would get along great.
"So... you new in town?" I asked Alessio.
"Yeah. I'm Linda's nephew. You're Italian?" He asked me. It was hard to believe. I'm pale, and blonde with bright blue-green eyes.
"Yeah... my fathers Italian. My mom was just... bianca(white)" I replied. We laughed at my Italian joke (which in my opinion wasn't funny, but when he laughed at it I did too). I didn't even end up eating breakfast that morning. I just talked to Alessio the whole time. It was now time for me to go run errands.
"Will I see you again?" Alessio questioned.
"For sure every Wednesday for breakfast. Sometimes I stop by for dinner on a random night. When school starts, I'll eat breakfast and dinner here pretty much every day." I answered.
"Okay so I'll see you for sure every Wednesday for breakfast, and sometimes for dinner on a random night and...." he stopped to think but shortly continued. "And during breakfast AND dinner when school starts." I laughed at the fact that he quoted
me perfectly. "Yep! See ya then. It was nice meeting you!" I yelled through the door as I walked out.

I went to bed that night thinking about Alessio. He was super nice and we had a lot in common. Alessio and I both shared a lot of laughs at the diner this morning, and I knew that there would now be many more mornings like today's to come.

That night—

It was now dark out and I was getting ready to go to bed. Neither of my job interviews went bad, but I didn't get either of them.  Maybe I could just pick up a few shifts at Reds.
   I made my way up the stairs,  but when I only had 2 steps left to take, I heard a long, loud honk outside. I sighed and ran back downstairs and peeped outside of my door. Linda's red corvette was out in the middle of the street, with Alessio in the passenger seat.
"Get in loser, we're going shopping!!" He yelled. The top was down on the pretty car.
"What the hell Alessio!!! I'm in pajamas!!" I yelled back.
"Cmon!! That shirt isnt bad at all!! Go throw on some jeans or something and come on!!" He yelled.
"How do I know that your not going to kidnap me or something?!" I yelled.
He tilted his head and face me a 'seriously?' type of look.
I sighed and let out a loud groan. "Fine!! I'll be down in ten minutes at the most." I rolled my eyes while smiling, then ran upstairs to change my pants. I took my hair out of its bun, and braided it loosely to one side, then pulled out my baby hairs.
     I put on some jean shorts and traded my house shoes for my brown knock-off Birkenstock's. I had a green and white striped tank top on, and I didn't bother to change it.

This was the shirt:

I ran down the stairs, grabbing my lanyard with my car keys, and house keys on it, and I grabbed a twenty dollar bill just in case

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I ran down the stairs, grabbing my lanyard with my car keys, and house keys on it, and I grabbed a twenty dollar bill just in case. I threw my lanyard around my neck and ran out of the door, locking it behind me.
"Took ya long enough!!" Alessio yelled as I opened the car door.
"Shut the hell up! I only took..." I stopped to look at my phone. "6 minutes!" I laughed.
"Wait... we can take my car instead." I offered.
"Why?" He questioned.
"I n is how much Linda adores her car. You scratch it and your dead. So I can just drive my Jeep. You up for it?"
"Yeah that's fine" He answered me, pulling next to my Jeep in the driveway. Alessio hopped out and locked the Corvette. We hopped into my Jeep. I'm glad I grabbed that 20 because I need gas.
    I drove a few miles, and pulled into the gas station and opened up the glove box to grab a chapstick, only to find another $20 sitting there.
"Score!!" I yelled in excitement.
"Hey Alessio!! Take this and get whatever you want, but also get me a blue freezy!!" I told him.
"Ight thanks!!" He said, hopping out of the passenger seat. I watched as he walked into the store.
    I pumped gas and he soon came back out with a bag, and two freezys.
"Hey you can drive from here!! Take me wherever you were planning on taking me I guess" I told him. He laughed and we hopped in the car. Alessio rummaged through the bag and grabbed a bag of hot Cheetos out. I laughed at him, and he offered me some. Alessio began to drive somewhere.

Give me a smile before you go💛// Alessio Scalzotto Where stories live. Discover now