Some nights

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I love you in a thousand unsaid ways.

Alessios POV

Libby was singing along to some song in the passenger seat. She had a beautiful voice and I admired the way she jammed out to the song. If she messed up a lyric, she would laugh for a second and go right back to where she was. I soon pulled into an open field and drove down the road that went down the middle of it. It was a huge corn field, but it wasn't just a corn field.
I found where I needed to be and pulled over the Jeep.
"What are we doing out here Alessio? Are you going to kill me?" She said.
"No!! Just trust me!!" I smiled at her.
We walked up to the corn.
"Ready?" I asked her.
Liberty looked at me like I was crazy, but I took her hand and pulled her into the corn. I had to count the number of corn ears I was passing so I knew when to turn to get where I was going. I guess I was counting out loud and Libby heard me.
"Oh god!! You are gonna kill me!! Jesus Christ I should've gone to bed!! I shouldn't have came h-" I cut her off before she could finish freaking out.
"I'm NOT going to kill you Libby!! Trust me" I giggled, putting a hand on each of her shoulders.
She took a deep breath and we walked for another 5 minutes through the corn.
After a total of 10 minutes, we arrived at a blank spot on the corn.
"We're here!!" I sighed.
She looked around in confusion.
"What's this?"
I took her hand and pulled her to the middle of the bare patch of the field.
"I came here once when I was a little kid. My dads friend used to own this farm. It was the day of my grandmas funeral and I was really not okay... well... we were staying at my dads friends house, and I came out here all 4 nights we stayed there to look at the stars." I explained.
"Wow Alessio.. that just seems so personal... why would you want to share that with me?" She asked me.
"Because you're special." I looked her in her eyes.
She blushed and looked at the ground.
"I'm really not..."
"But you are Liberty... I only met you today, but I feel like I've known you forever. Believe it or not... I don't have a lot of friends. I mean yeah... I have buddies in LA, but I don't feel like I have that 'best friend' bond with them. But I feel it with you." I explained.
"Wow... Alessio I don't know what to say. I've never really had many friends. It's just been me myself and I." She said, pulling me into a hug. We ended up laying on the ground and watching the stars.
"I better get home. I'm getting up early tomorrow and I'm gonna go see if I get pick up a job at the diner" Libby said as she stood up.
"Really?? That'd be lit!! We could ride to and from work together!! Work buddies!!" I laughed. My joke made her laugh to.
"Okay but seriously!!! I should get home." She said.
We walked out of the corn and got into the truck. After about 20 minutes, I pulled into Libby's street. She sighed, causing me to look at her.

"You okay?" I asked.
"Yeah. It's just... I haven't had this much fun in forever. Thank you Alessio" she replied.
"Anytime" I said, lightly hitting her shoulder. We both got out of her Jeep and walked onto the porch. "Can you pick me up and take me to the diner with you tomorrow?" Liberty asked me.
"Yeah of course. You sure you don't want to go yourself? I'll have to pick you up at 6:30." I told her.
"Yeah I don't care. I wake up early anyways."
"Alright so 6:30 it is." I replied, leaning on the door way. Libby opened the door and stepped inside. "See you tomorrow." She said sweetly.
"Hey Wait Libby!!" I yelled through the door. She opened it back up and looked at me.
"Why do you already trust me so much?"
"Because you're related to Linda. That women's family doesn't have one bad person in it. I know that. Plus look at you... what harm could you do?" She answered. I laughed at her response and turned around to leave.
"Wait... Alessio!!" She yelled, causing me to stop.
"Oh nothing. Just wanted to hear your voice again." Libby blushed, kicking a rock across the driveway. And with that, I left. It was now around one in the morning, and when I got home, I went to sleep with a new friend on my mind.
Liberty Jade Rizallo was not someone you could easily forget.

Give me a smile before you go💛// Alessio Scalzotto Where stories live. Discover now