Chapter 1: How It All Began Pt. 1...

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For Caitlin Snow, she always tried to go through life with a plan at hand. That's not to say that things happened beyond her control at all, because that certainly did occur more than once in her life. All her live, despite being so young, she always knew what she wanted to do, in no small part due to her parents influence...well, mostly her Mum's as the two rarely got on with each other when not in the presence of her Dad. She wanted to study hard, be a model student, get the best grades possible, get her dream job as a scientist and bio-engineering, or just one or the other, have a great career, find the right person and have a happy life. That was the plan anyway, but she had no idea how much her life would change.

Needless to say that her well-thought-out plans for life were met with curb stomps along the way, and her choice in both career and life left little room for a social life and friends. Most of the time she was so caught up in her studies and her work that she didn't spend time trying to make friends, play with others or socialize. She did have a couple of friends, but they were an elite few indeed consisting of an over-eager and over-exited kid named Cisco Ramon that she became friends in little school, after he managed to crawl into her good books with his knowledge of science and engineering, despite being rather young like her, and another one of her friends was a young man named Ronnie Raymond who was only a year or two older than her and Cisco at the time.

And although she didn't want to admit it to herself at first, ever since the day she met Ronnie and ever since he came into her life she had developed a major crush on him, which at first could have been describe as merely child infatuations on her part at that age, due to him getting her to try new things and open up, learn to have more fun more often. As time went on, she found herself falling for Ronnie more and more, way past what could have been simple child infatuations...into full on unrequited love for him, and he felt the same way back for's just a shame that the day she found out...was also the day she would lose him to the impossible...

They had been walking back home from a day at the park together, which had been Ronnie's idea of getting Caitlin away from her books for a few hours, which to his credit had worked: the two were taking a small brisk walk down the street to Caitlin's house so that her parents wouldn't worry about her. As they reached the place however, Ronnie and Caitlin smiled to each other and Caitlin said "I had a really great day." Ronnie smiled as he said "Same here, Cait. It was all the more better that I got to spend it with you."

They smiled at each other, and Caitlin found herself slowly moving towards Ronnie, and vice-versa...but then suddenly they heard something approaching, seeing 2 blurry lights speeding towards the two of them at speeds they have never seen before, both lights being different colors to one another: one light being yellow, the other red! Caitlin's began to run towards this as he saw what occurred, but suddenly both lights began to encircle around both Caitlin and Ronnie, both trying to reach out to each as Caitlin called out to Ronnie...and then it happened...

For the briefest of seconds, she saw 2 people running within the lights in spandex super-hero like costumes: one in red with long brown hair and one in yellow who was impossible to describe as his features were blurred; but as soon as she did, she immediately wished she could take back what she she saw the man in yellow stab Ronnie right through the chest right in front of her, causing her to scream out in heart-breaking sorrow "NO!!!" She screamed...and then the person in red grabbed Caitlin and sped her towards the house into her fathers arms before chasing after the man in yellow...both were now gone and out of sight...leaving only the dying body of Ronnie on the ground...

"RONNIE!" Caitlin screamed out and ran over to him, her dad calling for both the police and an ambulance immediately, before Caitlin got to Ronnie's side and she began to beg him to stay with her, tears escaping her eyes as they slowly fell down her face onto Ronnie as he coughed up blood. "Stay with me, Ronnie...please, stay with me...!" she barely was able to say, grabbing onto his hand as he lost a lot of blood...the words "I love you" escaping both of their lips right before Ronnie let out his final breath...and with that, he was gone, cruelly taken from the word and from Caitlin on the same night that they had confessed their love for one another...but their stolen happiness and stolen future at the hands of the man in yellow, was not the only thing that had been taken that night...and not just from Caitlin...

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