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3rd person

Later that night Jack laid in Marks arms. His boyfriend had been asleep for hours but Jack still felt wide awake. This left him alone to his thoughts. Jack couldn't help but imagine what his life would look like if he hadn't met the other man beside him.

I wouldn't even be alive right now...

Jack pushed away those thoughts, however true they may be. After all, Mark was the one who convinced him that his life truly did matter and forced Jack to stop destroying his body. For that he was grateful, but he couldn't help but feeling like a burden to his boyfriend.

He probably wants a man who can take care of himself instead of relying on others...

Again the Irishman tried to push away the negative thoughts. However, this one stuck with him. Did Mark think he was immature? Did he think Jack depended on him too much? Did Mark only care about his looks and hated Jack's constantly changing emotions? Well if it was true Mark wasn't the only one with these horrible opinions. After all, how could Jack see himself in a good way after his parents and siblings constantly made rude remarks all throughout his childhood? All Jack wants is to be happy with the man he loves. Unfortunately God blessed him with Mark and cursed him with his depressing thoughts. Most of the time Jack didnt tell Mark when these thoughts came about, after all, Mark was asleep and Jack was trying his best to cry silently.

"Tie a noose around your mind loose enough to breathe fine and tie it, to a tree tell it you belong to me this ain't a noose this is a leash and I have news for you, you must obey me"

Jack whispered the lyrics almost silently as he pushed Marks arms from around his waist. Standing up from their shared bed he looked at his beautiful boyfriend and sighed, how did he ever get so lucky to find a sweetheart like Mark?

After one last look at his boyfriend Jack remembered what he was originally gonna do. His therapist told him it would help to just get some water and relax so Jack was of course going to try that. Walking to the kitchen he avoided any windows or mirrors because, whether or not he was upset, it was still about 3 in the morning and like any other human being he was scared shitless.

Quickly filling a cup he went back to Marks welcoming arms (Jack relaxed easiest in his lovers arms) and took small sips. He tried his best not to spill any water on Mark and his efforts paid off. Jack set the cup down and fully snuggled into Marks chest. His last thought of the night was a lyric he had heard the other day

"But all that I know, is i need you close"


Hello y'all, another chapter done. It took me a while to come up with this chapter but I think it's worth it

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