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I will scream and shout for what i love, Passionate but i don't give no fucks.

//3rd person//

   Jack shyly walked into Marks recording room, "Babe, can we talk for a bit?" Mark looked over and sighed, "Yeah I'll be right down." Jack smiled and assured him that it wasn't anything too bad. This lightened Marks mood a little, honestly he didnt have the time or energy to get into another pointless argument with Jack. Mark turned off his camera and followed his boyfriend downstairs.

   Jack sat him down and got straight to the point, "Mark, I want to quit Youtube." This took Mark by surprise and it was clearly shown on his face, "Baby, are you sure you're ok? I thought you loved YouTube? What about the fans?" Looking away from his lovers eyes Jack started, "Im fine Mark honestly, I just don't feel like continuing my channel. I don't see a point. I just want to settle down and just get a new job and such. YouTube is just such a big hassle and I don't know if I have any sort of energy left for it. I'm not sure how the fans will react but I think it might be ok." Mark could sense this turning into another fight. Mark thought Jack loved his job, in fact about a month ago at pax his green haired boyfriend was so excited for literally everything. What had changed? "Are you sure you want to give everything up? You started your channel in what, 2012? Why would you just want to quit?" "I don't want to think about it as quitting. I just don't want to do it anymore ok?" At this point both of them were getting annoyed. "Are you just getting lazy? You can't only think about yourself here." Mark seethed. "It's my decision and my channel." Jack answered. "Know what, do whatever you want, I don't care anymore."


"Depression often causes people to lose interest in things they used to enjoy." 

Hello my guys, I'm back after like a month. I'm terrible at updating and I just started school so yeah. I'll try to work out a schedule or something but idk if I'll stick to it knowing me. Also I know that this chapter is a bit short and lowkey has nothing to do with the title but Idc.

(Citations cuz we don't plagiarize here)

"Hayley, lack of motivation, 10 symptoms of depression,, 2019"


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