Well maybe they wont find out

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Monday ... today is the day
A million things were running threw your mind as soon as you woke up.

Am I even good enough to be on Zach's team?
What position will I even play?
Will his team like me?
Should I even go?
Maybe I should just say I'm sick

But the one thought that kept coming up in your head was absolutely eating you alive.

What is going to happen when the guys find out? Will I ever be able to go to the sandlot again ?
What am I talking about ? I don't want to go back to the sandlot. Why would I wanna be on Benny's team again?

But that was mostly a lie, you wanted to go back to the sandlot. You wanted to see yeah-yeah and the others. You wanted to have an amazing time with no worries about messing up or pitching bad. You loved everything about playing with them. But the one thing that wasn't a lie was the fact that you didn't want to see Benny.
How could he say that to me? How could he treat me like that ?
You had felt disrespected by him but yet the words your dad had said to you never left your mind but, you were determined to put that thought as far back into your mind as possible. You needed all your focus today on play good on Zach's team.
After finally getting up and getting ready you head down stairs to have breakfast with your dad before he went to work.
"So you're still gonna play on Zach's team and not at the sandlot?" Your dad said with concern.
"Zach's team is no different than Benny's. If anything Zach's team is better than the sandlot. Zach is a lot better then Benny in my opinion." You reported to your dad
"Sweetheart your opinion is a little bias don't you think ?"
"Just because Zach is my boyfriend doesn't mean I wouldn't be honest with his ability to play the game" you retaliate.
"Oh honey I'm not saying your making it seem Zach is a better player then Benny because he's your boyfriend. I'm saying you're making Benny seem like the worst because you're mad at him."
You stay silent because what do you say ?
"Listen honey," your dad continued
"just because you're mad at someone doesn't mean you should put them down. Eventually you'll stop being mad at him and you'll go back to the sandlot and forget-"
"I don't think I'm going back to the sandlot dad.." you interrupted.
"Oh sweetie. Don't say that, you guys are just kids everything will be back to normal in a couple of days trust me." He said trying to help.
"Well what if it doesn't, I mean Benny is just as mad at me as I am with him. And the rest of the team is going to flip when the find out I'm practicing with Zach." You said finally breaking down your feelings
"Well maybe they won't find out, now go out and practice with Zach and have a nice time. I've got to go to work but I'll see you later sunshine." Your dad said as he kissed your forehead and walks out the door.
Maybe he's right, I just can't let the guys find out... I don't think Benny would even mention me if he's mad at me.
Just as you finished your thought Zach knocked on the door then walked in.
"Hey (y/n), you ready for practice?" He said with a toothy grin on his face. You could tell he's excited for you to be with him instead of the guys at the sandlot.
"Of course babe but ... can we go out the back door?" You asked knowing that if you went out the front door you could be at risk of seeing one of the guys from the sandlot.
"Uhh, sure ? How come?" Zach asked with confusion.
What do I say? He'll be upset if I tell him it's because I don't want anyone to see me headed to practice with him.
"...Ummm because the house I usually walk by has a dog that has chases after me and I don't want to be exhausted before I get to practice."
Wow I really pulled that one out of my ass
Zach chuckled not giving a second thought about that being a lie.
"Of course babe, but you know I'll always protect you." He said giving you a quick kiss on the cheek.

After finally making it to the field you were relieved that you didn't see anyone from your old team. But a new set of nerves came to you when you realized now you actually have to impress your new team. Zach walked you over to the dough out where you two set your things down and got ready. Watching the team work up and stretch was shocking to you.

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