I Love You (ToddxNeil)

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A/N: This one is going to be sad. I'm sorry. Also, I am changing the story line a little but trying to keep most of it canon. We will see how it goes.

Todd and Neil were on the couch watching tv and cuddling, like usual. Sal was out hanging out with Ash so they took this time to get as much time together before Todd and Sal went to do research. Neil sighed "So, hows Sals guitar going?" Todd shrugged "It's coming along, still could use a little touch ups here and there. After Sal and I do research I will be working more on it. Shouldn't really even take that long to finish."

Neil chuckled and kissed the top of Todd's head "I know it won't. I give it twenty minutes tops!" Todd snorted "I give it fifteen!" Neil laughed "Well, if you finish it in fifteen minutes, I will make dinner." Todd nodded with a goofy smile on his face when he looked up at the other "It's a deal!" Neil kissed him softly as if he was sealing it "Alright." Todd held Neil's cheek bringing him back so they could kiss just a little longer before watching their show again.

A few hours later, Sal came in. His mask was on, but his expression was upbeat and positive. Todd raised a brow "Wow, seems like someone had a good visit!" Sal nodded "Yeah. We got to catch up a lot!" Todd chuckled "Hm, y'all made out didn't you?" Sal laughed "Unfortunately we didn't." The blue haired man shrugged "Think it's for the best. I didn't feel the same around her as I did when we were just kids." Todd nodded "That's understandable. I mean, I heard a rumor that she's a lesbian now."

Sal and Todd were in the hideout and they were trying to do some studying. Sal explained he had to go to the bathroom. When he was in his way, he got a message from Larry. Todd was still out in the shed and decided to go ahead and keep an ear out while working on the guitar some. He was too invested in his work not realizing how much time had passed when he heard his phone ring. It was Sal calling him about how he's at the treehouse and that Larry was in the treehouse dead.

Todd started freaking out a bit and hung up when they got done. Todd went out of the shed quickly going inside grabbing things he needed, including the guitar. Neil was in the kitchen making dinner. He spotted Todd and had a concerned look on his face "Do you know what happened with Sal? He just ran out without saying a word." Todd gripped the guitar strap sighing "Larry had, um." He cleared his throat looking down.

Neil set the knife down on the counter and started walking to Todd. He spoke softly "What happened?" Todd took a step back opening the door "I will explain it all later. Enjoy your food." Neil went to take another step but Todd was already walking out "I love you." He closed the door and headed to Addison apartment. Leaving Neil saying "I love you" to a closed door.

Todd had given Sal his guitar explaining the new upgrades. Sal thanked him and they both left the treehouse. Sal went to the apartment while Todd had messaged Ash. When he was about to leave, Todd had ran into someone. He adjusted his glasses and was in the middle of apologizing before looking up at who it was. He furrowed his brows "Maple?" She had an apologetic look on her face "I'm sorry." Todd took a step back into someone else. He turned a bit looking to see who was behind him and saw that it was Travis.

Travis quickly grabbed him, holding Todd's hands behind his back. Todd was fueled with anger and tried getting out of the grip. Maple and Travis had to fight Todd before taking him to the woods.

The entire time, Todd kept struggling and trying to scream. Every time he did, Maple would punch him In the side. It lead to Todd almost falling and Travis tripping over their feet. "Can you find a better fuckin solution before I fall," Travis snapped. Maple glared at him "What better solution do you have, Travis?!" The blonde stayed silent as they continued walking.

Todd tried talking Travis out of wherever they were going, But Travis would tell him to shut up and Maple would stay silent. After a bit, Maple and Travis came to a halt in front of a door on a boulder. There was a voice and Todd immediately had a queasy feeling. The door opened and the two dragged Todd in.

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