Prom (SalxTravis)

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A/N: Trigger warning- Abuse. Slurs. Drugs.

Prom was in a week. And honestly? Travis was excited. He decided today was going to be the day he made his promposal to Sal. He sighed as he got a single rose from his locker and a folded piece of paper. He's been trying to be nicer to the group, and surprisingly they are making it easy for him. Him and Larry have their moments, but that's to be expected.

Travis had made sure to make a plan where Ash and Larry would drag Sal anywhere but his locker. Travis made sure to look around to see if Sal was around. He nodded to himself and taped the rose to the locker and slipped the note inside. He sighed softly when he completed his little mission and walked off taking his phone out messaging Ash that it was completed.

"Alright, thanks for looking at it. I thought something looked weird about it," Ash said as she put her phone in her pocket. Sal sighed shaking his head "It's mold. Of course it's going to look weird." Ash shrugged "Hey, even Larry agreed!" Larry nodded silently and Sal laughed "Larry has been coming to school high recently, you really think anything looks normal to him?" Ash laughed along with Sal "You have a point!"

Sal started walking, "May I go to my locker now? I have to get my stuff. My dad is waiting on me." Ash and Larry nodded while Sal thanked them and walked off. Ash looked over at Larry "Thank you for not fighting against Travis asking Sal." Larry huffed "Why do you think I come to school high? I have to keep myself sane some how. I don't like the kid, but if it's for Sal, I'll try and get along with him." Ash nodded.

When Sal got to his locker, he froze as he saw the rose. He had a slight smile under his mask, "Why hello." He opened his locker and saw the note on top of his books. He grabbed it and opened it.

Sal, I know school dances is something you aren't really too big on besides headbanging and getting drunk with your friends. But, I was wondering if you would change prom for me. I'll be waiting in the library. In the spiritual section.

Sal chuckled as he put the note in his pocket and stuffed his backpack. He closed his locker door and carefully took the Rose off of it and made his way to the library. Of course he knew it was Travis who wrote the letter. He could memorize handwritings. And Travis is one he couldn't forget even if he wanted to. He finally reached the library and looked for the spiritual section. He finally spotted Travis and sighed, "Did you really have to pick this section." Travis looked up from his phone and nodded keeping his voice low "Nobody ever comes to this section." He chuckled as he walked over to Sal.

The blonde scratched the back of his head and he suddenly became very nervous "So, you're here and you have the rose. I'm guessing you saw my letter." Sal raises a brow even though it was hidden. "how could I've not seen it," he had an amused tone. Sal rolled his eyes teasingly "Yeah, yeah. So, would you, uh. Like to go to prom?" He has a small pause and spoke softly "With me?"

Sal smiles wide and nodded "Of course. How could I say no to you after doing something out of your comfort zone?" Travis gave a smile and Sal hugged him. Travis hugged back "God. I'm so glad you agreed to go with me." Sal laughed and let go. "Here." He opened his backpack and ripped a small piece of paper off a notebook and grabbed his pen writing his number then handing it to Travis "keep me updated on everything. Okay?"

Travis nodded looking at it then back up at Sal "Sounds good." Sal nodded a bit "Alright, I have to go now. My dad has been waiting on me for a while now." Travis waved bye as Sal left. Travis's excitement was quickly dissolved when he realized he has to ask his dad and get an outfit ready.

Sal got into the car smiling under his mask. Henry looked over at him, he learned how to read his body language throughout the years, "I'm guessing you had a good day?" Sal looked over nodding "Yeah! It was a pretty good day." Henry nodded. Sal paused before speaking "hey, dad?" The older man glanced over at him before looking at the road "Yeah?"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2019 ⏰

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