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Hi my name is Maddie Espinosa, I'm 17 and my twin brother is the one and only Matt Espinosa. My mom had left us when we were two and I don't really remember her, we live with my dad. So far my life as been HELL I always get bullied but my brother never helps me because he does online school, I don't get how he gets to do it but not me and I'm even older by like one minute. But whatever I deal with it, my dad and brother don't know I cut, no one does except for my best friend Katie, she's been there for me forever. "Hey Maddie! Come check out this new app called Vine!" Matt yelled, we're both Youtubers but maybe I can become a Viner too! I ran downstairs and checked the app out, it turns out it's actually pretty cool. Matt and I decided to do some, they were so much fun! After we got bored with it we got some Starbucks (total white girl move 😂) then we went home. And I of course I checked the mail and something particular caught my eye! NOT PART OF THE STORY hey guys! Comment of you like it and if you want me to continue 😉

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