5: Wolf's Dinner

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David considered following the kid but held back. He needed to find Gwen first.

He walked over to the mess hall, an audible gasp/growl/whimper escaping his throat.

Everybody had changed into a creature.

David walked over to Gwen. Her top half was undeniably human, save for red horse ears and a horn. Below her waist was reddish horse, except for the tail which was tufted at the end with a tip of dark red hair.

He nuzzled her hair, even pulling on her ears to get a reaction. But Gwen was out cold.

He decided to count to make sure all the campers were here— wait. What's that amazing smell? David sniffed the air and found that he was drawn over to where... Neil? was sitting. He jumped up onto the table and wolfed down Neil's sandwich. Okay. Now time to check— OMG. David couldn't help himself from biting Preston's leg. He shook Preston back and forth, not even caring when he cried out in pain.

David carried Preston outside and took him under a bush. David briefly watched Preston, a more David-like expression of worry and fear on his face, but quickly lost control once more.




Preston heard screaming and dully wondered where it was coming from.

Then he realized where he was and what this red dog with a cowlick that was wearing David's bandana was doing. Preston screamed louder. He couldn't die this way! It had to be in an act of selfless love! And after he got to Broadway and Hollywood to be the world's best director and playwright!

He almost blacked out as the dog took him under a bush outside. It set him down, an expression of worry and remorse flicking across it's face. Before Preston knew what was happening, the wolf lunged at him. Preston reared back his head at the creature, praying some sort of deus ex macina would come for him. There! Preston felt a slight pressure on his head as the wolf stopped. It seemed that a pair of antlers was blocking it's mouth. 

Preston's eyes grew wide as he realized what his body appeared to be. A Jackalope! Preston supposed that was why the dog-creature was so intent on eating him. But it still didn't explain the WHY.

Pondering over this, Preston slowly walked forward, forcing the dog to move backwards. When they had gotten to the open space in front of the Mess hall, Preston had an idea.Smiling to himself, he backed up, jumped onto the thing's head, and leaped off like a spring board.

Looking back the thing was dazed, but tried one last swipe with it's paw. Too slow! Preston nipped the paw. Hard.

The creature's eyes began to clear. It started to whimper and hang it's head in apology. It pushed it's nose to Preston's leg and sniffed it. More whimpers. The creature licked it once, then stood up to its full height to look down at Preston.

It bent it's neck again, but this time the wolf picked Preston up by the nape instead of the body. It seemed a little more tame than before for some reason. Preston could swear that there was kindness in that beast's eyes.

It carried him inside the Staffer's Cabin. Preston felt a brief flash of fear. He couldn't go in there! But... of course... this was a special circumstance. He saw Nikki sucking her tail and curled up in David's bed. The wolf jumped up on the bed and set him down beside her, then walked away to find something.

Of course, in addition to Nikki having a tail, she also had ears and fangs. There was some kind of splint on her leg as well. Maybe that was why the wolf had brought him here. 

Sure enough, the wolf carried supplies back in his mouth. It dressed Preston's wounds before leaving the cabin. Soon enough, Preston felt his eyelids drooling as if he was under a spell.

"Goodnight, Nikki..." Preston mumbled under his breath, and the Neko gave a soft purr in reply.

And once again, Preston dropped off into black nothingness.


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