Part 1 - In a rush!

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Y/N - Your Name
F/N - First Name
L/N - Last Name
N/N - Nickname
BF/N - Best Friend's Name

Date - Monday 23rd July


"Rise and Shine, Y/N!" Nico Yazawa Cheerfully told you as you slowly woke up.
"Mmm...Five more minutes, Mommy..." Y/N said, sleepily as you rolled onto your side to try to get back to sleep.

"W-What??" Nico blushed as she was taken aback by you saying this. She then quickly regained her composure.
"Heh, what would you do without me Y/N?" She said, cockily as she pulled on your covers, inadvertently causing you to come with it.

"Gah!" Y/N exclaimed as you landed onto the floor of your room with a thud! As you look up, you saw a Petite Nico Yazawa staring back down at you, Wearing a
'Wait...something about her looks...familiar...' You thought to yourself.
"Nico Nico Nii~ Have you noticed my new Nico Nico Shirt? Doesn't it suit Nico Ni-??" Nico asked.
"Wait a min- That's my old school shirt!" Y/N interrupted as you realised she was wearing your shirt.
"Old? Nico Nico Nii is pretty sure that this is your current School shirt~!" Nico told you.
'Oops, Almost let the cat out of the bag!'
"G-Give it back!" Y/N demanded, reaching for the shirt while trying to hide the fact that you were slightly blushing. She looked cute in it. Seeing her wearing your old school shirt which was a size or two too big for her wasn't helping.
"Nu uh! You've gotta catch Nico first~!" She challenged as she quickly moved back when she saw you get up.
"So you think you can get away from me, huh?" Y/N asked, spreading your arms out, essentially limiting her ways of escape.
She stuck her tongue out at you in response. You accepted her challenge by running at her. She had just jumped out of the way, landing on your bed. By the time she had turned to face you, you had leapt into the air.
"I've got ya!" Y/N shout, just before a white pillow is slammed into your face.
"You sure about that~?" Nico teased, pushing you further back with the Pillow.

This Cat and Mouse chase continued for about another 10 mins until Nico got bored and gave up your shirt.

"H-How...can you have so, Nico-chan?" Y/N asked, panting for air as you covered your eyes and took your shirt back.
"It's an Idol's secret~!" Nico teased.
"I-I get you have amazing Stamina...You've always had great stamina...but, I would've thought that yesterday would've at least worn you out a bit. Y'know, considering it was your birthday and all!" You said as you turned to the wall.
As she didn't respond, I could only guess that she was smirking as she took the compliment while I was left dumbfounded.
'Seriously, how does she have so much stamina?' You thought to yourself as you waited for her to get changed.
"Uhh, you can turn around now. I'm changed." Nico told you and as you did, you smiled.

Nico was in her usual school attire.
'The definition of cute' You thought to yourself as you gazed upon her.
'Sure, I see her like this all the time but it never gets old.'
"W-wow, that was fast!"
"Heh, Of course it was! I am the great Idol, Nico Nico Nii~! I have an reputation to uphold. Compared to my usual Idol training, getting changed in less than a minute is child's play!" Nico replied, proudly. I couldn't help but smile at her response.

"I'm going to go downstairs and prepare a quick breakfast for everyone!" Nico informed you as she cheerfully began to walk to your bedroom door.
"You, er, may want to hurry and get changed btw. I know your not as fast as me so you may have some trouble getting changed and we only have about 10 more minutes 'til we've got to leave for school." Nico then closed your bedroom door and went down to the kitchen.

With that, Y/N rushed to get changed and get ready for school.
Usually, I would've gotten on my usual Uniform which is a White Shirt with a Black jumper, Navy Blazer, White striped black Tie and black trousers, but today was different.
My school was planning to merge with Nico's school and so they chose 6 pupils to attend Otonokizaka high as a way to prove if my school will be able to successfully merge or not.
So I put on my Otonokizaka high uniform and got my Black and Grey Jacket on to put that over my new Uniform which was a F/C sweater, white collared shirt and a Green tie along with Navy Blue trousers.
I put the Jacket on to try to hide my uniform from Nico and then went to continue my daily morning routine.

Quick time skip

Nico's POV

As I was eating breakfast with Cocoro, Cocoa, Cotaro, My mother, Y/N's Younger sister and Mother, We suddenly heard a bunch of noise quickly approaching from Y/N's staircase.
"Bang. Bang. Crash!" Cotaro said while he ate his food.
"What's that noise, Onee-chan?"
I sighed as I realised what...or who it was, but I couldn't help but giggle at the sounds of what was happening.

"Obviously it's-"
Y/N came crashing down the stairs.
"I'M FINE...maybe..Okay, maybe not..." Y/N said as he got back up.
We all laughed as he slowly got back up.
"Hehe...Oww." Y/N exclaimed as he rubbed his back.
"Idiot." I said, playfully and pointed to Y/N's plate before getting up and taking my plate to the sink.
"What? Finished already?" Y/N asked me, I think I heard what seemed to sound like a hint of sadness in his voice.
"Yep~!" I respond.
"You were way too slow to eat with everyone's favourite Idol~! Maybe you'll get better luck soon, Nii~!" I tease.
"Hah, with your eating speed? No way!" Y/N Responded.
"Anyway, you've got to hurry and finish your food! We've got to be gone within...the next two minutes!" I alert Y/N.

"2 Minutes?! I've barely even gotten half way through my food...which is great by the way!" Y/N exclaimed.
"Of course it is! I mad- hey! Flattery will get you nowhere! We've got to go!"
"Okay fine, fine." Y/N Said as he quickly ate up his food then ran to the sink to wash his plate.
"Don't eat your food so quickly, N/N!" Y/N's mother told him.
"S-sorry, mom but I've gotta hurry!"
My two sisters got up and walked over to me and we said our goodbyes.
"Nico Nico Nii~!" Cocoa said as she did the poses.
"Nico Nico Nii~!" Cocoro also said as she did the poses.
"Nico Nico Nii~!" I responded to them while showcasing my Nico Nico Poses.
"Alright, C'mon, Let's Nico Nico Go!" Y/N exclaimed while grabbing my hand and rushing me out of the door.
"Bye Mum! Bye Lil' sis!" Y/N shouted as we left the house. I quickly did the Nico sign to my mother and Cotaro while thanking Y/N's mother for allowing us to stay over for My birthday and we had left.

To be continued in Pt. 2.

Thank you for reading the first part of my story! I hope you guys enjoyed the first part of this story. I welcome any feedback! Please note that this is my first story so I am not too experienced.

Nico Yazawa x Male ReaderOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant