Part 2 - Late on the first day?!

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Usually Y/N and Nico would have just walked to school together before parting ways, although because you had left at a later time today, you two had to take train.


After running for the train, we just make it with seconds to spare before the doors close. We feel a few pairs of eyes looking our way but are way too out of breath to care.

"Heh, Told ya we'd make it!"
Y/N struggles to say while taking in multiple breathes.
"W-well if it weren't for you taking so long to get changed, we wouldn't have had to run!" Nico wheezily reminds you.
"Heheh, 'Forgot about that!" You nervously responded. She pouted.
"C'mon, let's sit down already."
Nico told you as she took to the nearest seat.
You follow and sit next to her and minutes pass as you two are in a conversation until...
"Uhh, Isn't this where you get off?"
Nico asks.
"What? No..." Y/N respond as you look at which stop you were currently at.
"What do you mean 'No'? Isn't your school near here?" Nico asks, slightly confused.

'Oh that's right! This was the stop I'd usually get off and go to my old high school, however today's the day my school had planned the first day of the test run for the merge! You could call it a Mini-Merge. So last week,Unknown to Nico, I had said my goodbyes to my previous high school.'

"Oh, Yeah you're right!" Y/N Agreed with Nico as You got up.
"By the way, Nico. Where are your usual whereabouts during break and Lunch?" Y/N quickly asked Nico.
"Uhh, why?"
"N-No reason. Just wondering what you do in your spare time at school." You quickly lied.
"Okay? Uh, At Break I usually just work in the Club I founded but at Lunch, depending on whether or not the Idols are up for going out, We'd either go to a fast food restaurant to eat or just eat at where we practice or where My club is!"
"Alright, cool! Thanks for the Info!"
You'd shout to Nico as you briskly walked out of the door, preparing yourself for the long run that you would be about to perform.

'Okay, So from here to Otonokizaka, It should take about 4 Train...'
You would sigh as you thought to yourself while exiting the Train station.

'Anyway, If it'll take 4 minutes to get there by train, It'll take far longer for me to get there by walking.'

With no time to waste, you take your smartwatch out of your bag and use it to check the time.

You'd start to panic as you saw the time.
'Otonokizaka High Requested us New Students from the Mini-Merge project should be there no later than 10 minutes! I need to get going now!'
After plugging in some earphones into your smartwatch, you would begin running to school.

As you ran to Otonokizaka, you felt a something vibrating in your pocket.
"Call from B/F. Call from B/F." Your Smartwatch A.I would say into the earphones.
"Accept" You said, accepting the phone call.
"Y/N?!" B/F Called into his side of the phone.
"Yeah, I can hear you just fine, no need to shout man. What's up?"
"Where are you, dude? I'm outside Otonokizaka high and people keep staring at me, like I'm some kind of creep or something!"
'Oh crap! I forgot, last week, we had told eachother we'd meet up before entering the school.'
"Well, to be fair, you ARE standing outside a Girls' highschool at 7:42." You'd respond, in a jokingly tone.
"It's not funny, dude! This is serious business!"
"Alright, Alright. I understand. Don't worry, man. I'm currently on my way."
"Cool, How far away are you?"
"Uhh, abou-"
"You are approximately 5 minutes away from your destination." The A.I would interrupt.
"...5 minutes away, just hold on" You would sigh. That was another issue you'd need to get fixed.
"Cool, See you then."
And with that, He ended the phone call.

Time skip

"Please let me make it in time!" You would say to yourself as you turned the corner to see the school gate. You looked around and saw your friend standing next to the gate.

"B/F!" You called out and once he saw you, he signalled to the school doors and you both met up and walked towards them.
"Sorry I'm late man." You said as you two initiated the secret spud or 'Geek Greet', as Nico often called it.
"Eh, don't worry. It's cool. Now, we've just got to get to wherever the Assembly room is." B/F Responded, continuing the secret spud.
"Oh, so they can Introduce us, right?"
"Yeah." B/F replied while you both opened your lockers to switch shoes.
"Alright. Oh, by the way, Do you know of the others who are here from our school?"
"Nah man, I only know of You and I."
"Ahh, dang. Well, I guess that's something to look forward to..." You'd say as you both walked to where most of the students seemed to be walking to.

Time skip to the beginning of the Assembly

Nico's POV

"There are some important announcements I will make but before we get into that, first of all, I must congratulate our very own school idols, μ's, on their latest performance. It was a spectacular show and I believe I speak on behalf of all those here when I say I am proud to say that μ's are our school idols." Principal Minami paused as the students, staff members and herself applauded μ's for their latest achievements.

Nico sat in her chair, smirking as she took the applause and silently complimented herself.
Usually, Nico didn't really like Assembly's...or anything that wasn't to do with Idols, their school idol group or her childhood friend, Y/N. This was about the only part of the Assembly she'd normally be interested in. However, something else was about to catch her interest.

"Now, today's announcement will be on quite the change for some of you as today, we will be welcoming a few new faces to our school."
Many students would start murmuring and talking amongst each other after hearing this but would stop as 6 students walked onto the stage and bowed.

'Wait, it looked like that boy just winked at me...'
Nico thought to herself as she smirked after noticing one of the students seemingly winking at her.
'I guess the Nico Nico Nii's reputation surpasses this sc-'
Suddenly, Her thoughts stopped as she realised who it was.

'Y/N?! W-WHAT?! HOW!?'
Nico could feel her face turning red as she saw Y/N attempt to stifle a laugh before quickly being nudged by the boy next to him, causing Y/N to return to normal.
She then looked down, hoping nobody would notice her now reddened face.
"Hello Otonokizaka High!"
Y/N and the other 5 boys said in unison before stepping back and allowing the Principal to do the talking.

"As you all already know, These 6 Students will be attending our school for their final year and are here on behalf of their school to demonstrate that they will be able to successfully merge with ours in the near future so I ask that you treat these Students the same as you would any other in our School.

With that, the Assembly ended and everyone got up to leave for their first lessons. Nico was happy as she would be able to spend her final school year in Otonokizaka High with Y/N but was also shocked as,obviously, she had not expected this.
As Nico got up to leave, she was stopped by her Homeroom teacher, as was Eli and Nozomi.
"As you three are also third years as well as Members of our school idol group, I'd like to ask if you three would be able to give our new students a tour around the school. Would you three be able to-"
"YES!" Nico suddenly answered, before realising and regaining her composure.
"Uhh, well seeing as how I'm clearly the most responsible here, being the founder of the Idol research club and all, I feel it's my responsibility to show new students through our school~."
Nico boasted.
"Great, and what about you two?"
"Yes, We'd also love to help out our fellow new students." Eli said.
As Eli, Nozomi, Homeroom Teacher and Nico walked to where the students were, Nozomi teased Nico.
"You seem eager to help. I wonder why..."
"Please, I just want to help these new students gain their bearings and who better to do so than Nico Nico Nii~!" Nico Responded with a smile on her face.

Here's part 2 done. I was going to make it a bit longer but decided to cut it short as to not make this too long. I hope you enjoyed it and please, leave feedback as any is appreciated!

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