Chapter 1: They Took Him

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Mitch's POV

My name is Mitchell Hughes, but I prefer to be called Mitch, or as my best buddy calls me, (And I will only permit HIM to make use of them! I'm looking at you!) Benja, G, Buddy, or (this is my favorite) Biggums. I know what you're thinking. 'WOW! That sounds like something a couple in their early forties would call each other!' Well that's the point! You see, our group of friends like to make 'ships' between each other and they just so happened to make one for my friend and I. To amuse them, (especially Quentin and Ian, the MAJOR shippers [besides myself, but don't tell them that]) we jokingly refer to each other as 'Biggums.'

        "Hey, Mitch!" I heard his voice call out to me. I turned to his direction and smiled. He was running towards me, wearing his regular (and slightly unusual, I might add, but who am I to judge?) outfit, a business suit, a red tie, and a bacca hat sitting tight on his light brown hair. He carried a fishing rod in his hand and had his diamond axe, Betty, strapped to his back. He refuses to use swords. He says Wookies use axes, because they live on a forest world. We started calling the species 'baccas,' however, so we don't use the actual term very often.

        "Hey, Jerome!" I answered back once he got to the point where I was sitting under the tree.

        "I'm going fishing at the pond in the woods! Wanna come?" he asked. I shook my head.

        "Sorry, Biggums! I told Ty I would help him in the meadows today," I replied. He looked a bit disappointed at first, but then started to smirk.

        "What? Are you picking flowers for me, G?" he joked. I laughed.

        "Of course, Biggums! What else would I be doing?" I teased. He chuckled before started to turn in the direction of the forest.

        "Well, I gotta go if I want to catch a decent amount of fish before night," he explained. "Bye!" he called as he ran off.

        "See ya, dood!" I yelled back. I watched him with a smile as he disappeared into the trees. When he was out of view, I stood up and stretched before heading off in the direction of the meadow.

Jerome's POV

        I walked on through the forest until I came to a small clearing with a deep, blue pond that seemed to shimmer in the mid-day sun. I sat down on the bank with my fishing rod in hand and proceeded to pull it back behind my head, ready to cast it off, but I felt someone grab it.

        "Huh?" I muttered before turning around to face someone with a gas mask covering their face. I was about to call for help, but my mouth was gagged with an almost inhuman speed. I started to feel light-headed and my vision started to blur, with the occasional zooming in and out, focusing and unfocusing. It was only a matter of time until my head became to heavy and my eyes shut, a dimension of dreams awaiting me.

Mitch's POV

        I started down the road toward Jerome's place of residence. I had actually picked him a flower, just to amuse him. I walked up the porch and held the lavender behind my back before knocking on his door. Nothing. I knocked again with, once more, no answer. I opened it a bit. (HEY! I'm his best friend! I think he wouldn't mind if I was just worried about him!)

        "Jerome?" I called, my voice bouncing off the walls for a quarter of a second. I searched the whole house. The bathrooms, the kitchen, the living room, bedrooms, computer room, garage, closets, (heh) EVERYWHERE! Then, I remembered him going to the pond. I calmed down for about a split second when I remembered him climbing trees whenever he's in a bad situation. That flash of hope quickly diminished when the thought of spiders and skeletons crossed my mind. I raced out the door (closing it, of course. I'm not a jag!) and into the treeline.

        My heart broke when I reached the pond and I saw his fishing pole lying on the ground...a couple of feet away from Betty. 'Be a man,' I thought, but I couldn't help it. Nobody was out here to see me, anyway. If anybody did, I think that the 'my best friend since fourth grade just got kidnapped and I might never see him again' excuse might work JUST fine! I fumbled my way over to Betty and hugged her, letting just a couple (not a lot!) tears roll down. I reached down and pressed a button on her handle, causing a light to shoot out and illuminate the sky above me.

        'In Benja we trust,

        For Bacca we must.

        Our axes won't rust,

        Turn Wobbie to dust.

        All Bettys will kill

        Through ASF's will.

        The others will wish

        That they ate raw fish.

        We hope Benja will not lose frames

        And win another Hunger Games.'

        It was a prophecy that Seto came across a while back and we really liked it, so we made it our moto.

        "I'll find you, Biggums...someday," I said to the sky. I strapped Betty to my back, like he would, and trudged off back home.

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