Chapter 2: THE [CENSORED]?!

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Okay, gonna admit that I am not very good with mush. I usually chicken out and can't even make them [cootie] on the cheek! <- See what I mean? Anyways...I'm going to try, but I'll be honest, it probably won't get much further than that. It's worse for straight ships, so just know that I'm NOT homophobic! They just got gay rights where I am (October 6, 2014) and I did a little happy dance because so many people finally get to be happy! Getting off mom won't let me get tested for ADHD when I and all of the people who know me almost know for a fact that I do! ...I'LL WRITE TEH MUSH 4 MEROOOOOOOME!

Mitch's POV

I went back out the second day to retrieve Jerome's fishing rod, seeing as I forgot it and I was almost certain that he would have wanted it safe. When I stumbled upon the clearing once more, I immediately turned toward the tool, but also noticed something brown and furry sitting by it. I took a step closer and recognized it as Jerome's bacca hat. I must not have noticed it the other night. I don't exactly have the best night-vision, unlike the guy I know as my best friend. Making my way over to it, I put it on my head. Man, did I miss him!

        I sat there for a while and must have fallen asleep, because the next thing I knew, I started to dream abotu being reunited with my filthy stinkin' bacca that I'm proud to call my best friend.

Jerome's POV

        I woke up in what looked like a super nova, so I allowed my eyes to adjust a bit before taking in any surroundings. I seemed to be in a straight jacket in the corner of a 15x15 room, not unlike a high school science lab. I wasn't too startled (but you're not Adam! ,:) ) until my last thought was re-examined. 'SCIENCE LAB?!' I started to breath heavily, then someone walked through the door with a clip-board and lab coat. He was about 6' with thick glasses. When he looked up, he had the nerve to smile at me! I growled at him. Wait...growled? That was new.

        "Why did I just GROWL?!" I demanded. He looked slightly taken aback by my hostility. Good. Then I was getting my point across.

        "Well, you see, Mr. Aceti-" I cut him off.

        "How do you know my name?" I asked with a little less confidence.

        "Well, I work for the Wildlife Reserve branch for Minecraftia government here in the city of Lobby 1. We have records of every resident in Mincraftia.You see, we have noticed a sudden decrease in the wild Wookie population, so we decided to put more into circulation." he explained. I still wasn't getting it. What did that have to do with me?

        "That doesn't really help, Mr..." I started, waiting for his name.

        "Christie," he answered. "Dr. Christie." I was slightly taken aback.

        "Christie?! As in Tyler Christie?" I questioned. He nodded.

        "Tyler is my son," he concluded.

        "Oh gosh. What have I gotten myself into?" I mumbled. I looked him straight in the eye. "So, you're my friend's evil dad who captured me for government testing?" His eyes lightened up.

        "You know my son? I haven't seen him in years! How is he?" he asked eagerly, but quickly stopped with a disappointed look on his face. "Nevermind. Back to business. I have to take you back to the forest where I found you." I gave him a confused look.

        " could see your son if you wanted," I reassured him. He walked over to me with the same cloth from before. "HOLD ON! You never told me why I-" I was cut off by the gag draping over my mouth.

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