Chapter 13 (August p.o v)

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I smiled down at Jennifer as she massaged my shoulders, her skinny fingers tickling the bones in my shoulders in a sensual way.

I closed my eyes.

"August," She spoke, her voice lighter than usual.

I opened one eye. "Wassup?".

"I think I want you to meet my parents,". She voiced, rubbing my shoulder in a more gentle way.

I turned my body to get a better look at her.

"Mane," I rubbed the back of my neck nervously. "Niggas only meet parents when shit start gettin serious,".

"Well," She groaned. "I thought things were pretty serious Aug, we've been hanging out with each other every day for the past six weeks. I'm tired of lying to my parents about where I've been at. Don't you like me?".

I took a deep breath before my hands reached up in her direction, I grabbed her skinny waist and motioned for her to sit on my lap.

"Listen I ain't the type of nigga you wanna bring around ya parents," I retorted.

Her lips morphed into a slight frown.

"August I just don't understand why you can't meet my parents, I want my parents to know the guy I'm falling in lo- ,".

She immediately covered her mouth and stood up from my lap.

"I'm so sorry," She groaned as she walked towards the front of my apartment until she met the door.

"Woah Hol up," I sprang up from the comfortable sofa I was sitting on and rushed towards the door. Before she could leave I slid in front of her, blocking her from leaving.

"You falling in love wit a nigga?" I questioned with a smirk on my face.

"Let me leave August," She spoke, looking directly at the floor.

I grasped her chin, tilting it upwards so that she was looking me in my eyes.

"How much you love me?".

Her pretty hazel eyes sparkled beneath the dingy apartment lights set up in my ghetto apartment.

"Enough for you to be my first," She whispered.

"You a virgin?" I asked seriously, my eyebrows arched a little because I didn't believe her.

"Yes," She retorted.

And when she stared at me, I believed her.

I slowly leaned down to place a kiss on her warm lips, but as soon as our lips were centimeters apart, May busted out from her room.

"Jennifer look!" May screamed as she made her way down the hall until she was in front of me and Jennifer. "I did it! I braided my own hair!".

May pointed to the big braid she put in her hair and Jennifer grinned in approval. She had been trying to teach May how to braid for weeks now, and May finally accomplished it.

"Oh my gosh May, now I definitely have to buy you a hair accessory bag," Jennifer smiled.

"Really?" May beamed. "Thank you Jennifer!".

May leaped into Jennifer's arms and wrapped her tiny arms around her neck.

"Now August can stop putting those lopsided ponytails in your hair," Jennifer commented causing May to snicker.

"Well I'm gonna head home," Jennifer said as she looked at me.

"Bye Jennifer, come back tomorrow," May whined.

"I will," Jennifer responded.

"Aight May, go to ya room na,".

She nodded at me and scurried off to her room.

I tilted my head to the side and licked my lips.

"You leaving me?".

She leaned against the doorframe.

"I'll be back tomorrow,".

"Can I get a goodbye kiss?".

I puckered up my lips and she giggled before she leaned forward and placed her lips on my lips. I grabbed the back of her neck and forcefully shoved my tongue into her mouth, she moaned lightly. After a couple seconds she placed her hand on my chest and pushed me away.

"Goodnight August,".

I smirked as I opened my door and watched her leave.

I'm just a teacher (Never fall in love with a young thug pt 2)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang