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Turns out Sierra was a dusty colored she-claw, we got to meet her fully after the ceremony. Then it was straight on to fully exploring the Ice-claw territory. She lead us up to the take-off tree.

"So, you guys are going to have to learn how to fly first, follow my lead," she jumped into the air to demonstrate.

We both looked at her skeptically, we already knew how to fly. I shrugged at Zara, and followed Sierra. She looked at us in awe.

"Wow, you two learn fast," Sierra mused, "come on, I want to briefly fly over the territory, then, we'll get some practice in."

From what I understood, Coniurantum, the area in which we live, was like a giant rectangle split into thirds. We lived at the left end of it, we shared a border with the Birds, and the Bees, who were it the middle. The right end was all wild lands, and Ghost mountain. Beyond that was desert wasteland.

As we flew I could see distinct landmarks, the grove of the Ancients, the lake by the Hill. Sierra pointed everything out, along with with a brisk detail rundown.

"Hey Sierra?" I asked.

"Yes?" She replied.

"We're battle-claws now right? When do we get to fight?" I asked.

She smiled "I was wondering when you'd ask that."

We doubled back and landed back into Hill, then we came to a spacious part of the tunnel I'd never been to before. Two Ice-claws watched us as we walked in, both were boys, and bigger than us.

"Who are these newbies?" Sneered a gray one.

"This must be their first day," said a pure black one.

"Cool it Zeb, these 'newbies' are the two heirs," Sierra shot back.

"Hey Conrad," said Black, Zeb, "these are the twins that supposedly saved the Hill, where did they say the boy came from? Was it the humans?" He teased.

"Don't you speak to my brother like that!" Zara roared.

The link sprung up again, I could feel her burning anger, slowly oozing through her mind. She looked back at me, and we started talking telepathically.

:Let me kill them please?

:Oh come, there just a bunch of bullies.

:They insulted you!

:But it only fuel them further, it's what they want you do.

The link flickered and died, Zara seemed to calm down a bit.

"Fine, I'll let them live, but only 'cause you asked," she sniffed.

I could see the others confused faces, as far as they knew I had never said anything to my sister. Our link was to remain a secret, no one else knew anything about it.

"Um, I'm sorry did I miss something?" asked Sierra.

"No, These two were simply leaving." I ordered.

"You wanna bet?" Challenged Zeb.

"Zeb, Conrad, leave before I tell your mother." Warned Sierra.

He gave one last snarl, and a flare of his wings, before calmly walking away, Conrad followed him warily. Sierra turned back to us.

"Sorry, those two have been boneheads since birth, now, let's learn some basic moves."

We watched mesmerized as Sierra showed us fighting positions. I made sure to pay special attention, I might need them in the future. Little did I know another was watching, one so deep inside my subconscious, I could not feel him. Deep inside my mind, Gorbachav chuckled, he might just need these moves to.


I scurried excitedly around the forest floor, sniffing for certain plants. I could scent milkweed, mint, and rosemary. Then I came across something new, and really sweet, almost intoxicating.

"Hey Sarah, what's this?" I asked, I could hear her scuffling a little way off.

"Ah, that my apprentice, is catnip, good for colds, the flu, and itches in the throat," she informed.

"It smells good." I commented.

"Yeah, if you don't mind I'm going to take what herbs we have back to the Medal den, I trust you can find your way back?" Sarah announced.

"Probably," I answered.

"I'll see you in a few," she flapped off.

I raised my head and listened closely. Lots of things were happening around me, even though I couldn't see them. Bugs were darting through the air, mice were scrambling across the ground. I swiveled my ears around and detected a small bird, by the sound of it's talons across the dirt, looking for worms probably. I decided it was time for dinner. I narrowed in with my ears trying to detect it's exact location. Then pressed myself to the ground, sliding across it as if it were made of ice. My whiskers detected things it front of me, I could smell the bird clearly now, it was a sparrow. Three wing-lenghts away, I tensed, ready to jump, ready to fly. Everything became deathly quiet.

I leapt.

I sliced cleanly through the air, paws forward, claws extended, my intended target shrieked and tried to flee. My paws slammed into the sparrow, my head shot forward a gave it a sharp nick on the neck. It was finished, the deed was done, and i began thanking Glamora for it's life.

I heard a twig snap behind me, the fur on the back of my neck prickled, someone was watching me. I turned around, and the stranger bolted. I burst into a sprint, going slow enough that I could detect trees and other stuff in my way, but fast enough so that I could hear the strangers panting. I scented the air, the stranger smelled feminine, and almost like and Ice-claw, but different. There was more of an earthy scent to her, as if she spent a lot of time underground. Who is this claw?

I suddenly tripped over a root, and was sent flying. I hit the ground with a thud, and a sharp pain flared through my jaw. I stood and rubbed my jaw grumpily, the she-claw's footsteps fading into the noise of the forest. I walked back to my sparrow, and a putrid, rotting scent filled my nostrils.

I prodded my nose into the bird, I could hear it's belly crawling with maggots. I hissed and yanked my head back. That was not normal, it had been alive just a few seconds ago! There was only one explanation for this, a forewarning from Glamora. This is a very bad sign indeed.

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