Watcher of the Night

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"Where're you heading mate?" Shadow asked

"I'm not sure, I just to find something, or someone, who can help me" I answered

"I know a few strange ones, what's you problem?"

I sighed "I... injure.... claws, but I have no recollection of it, and I get this cold feeling"

"Then I think I know someone who can help" The ghostly gray fox spoke.

I looked ahead, in just a few wing-lengths the snow stopped abruptly. When I stepped over that border I immediately felt warmer, and it was humid. I had just stepped into the dead of Summer. How interesting. I took a few steps back and forth, testing the new and strange magic. Shadow watched me with a smirk on his face.

"You don't get outside much do you?" he chuckled

"No, I just turned fourteen two days ago" I said

"Well, the creature in question lives just a bit off from here, doesn't live to far from here. His hollow is on the south border, just a few miles from here"

"Who is this guy?" I questioned

"You'll find out" Shadow simply said with a smirk

We walked silence from then on, it was easier to walk on the summer border. When the heat became unbearable we just switched back to winter. I snacked a bit on the herbs Jay had given me, which weren't half that bad, I guess I'm growing a taste for the stuff.

After a few hours we came to the entrance of a tunnel. There was a small slope then a tunnel that led nearly straight down. Shadow gestured for me to go first, he didn't follow though. My curiosity soon forgot about that though.

The first thing that hit me was the scents. Different kinds of herbs, and something different, something I couldn't place. I poked my head around the bend. It was a spacious hollow, in one section there were dug out niches in the walls that held herbs. There was a shallow pool of stone filled with water. A nest of moss and some feathers who's scent I couldn't place lay in another, a tiny little kit lay curled and sound asleep.

I jolted as wing tips brushed my shoulder, just above me there was a ancient looking claw. His yelled eyes glowed with knowledge, one of his ears was tattered and torn. The said claw was perched on a submerged tree root that had poked itself across the ceiling. He smelled of earth and age, I backed a couple a steps.

"W-who are you?" I squeaked

"Honestly Zachariah, I thought you'd recognize me, I am Nightwatcher, watcher of the night, your grandfather" he announced

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