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~Bakugos POV~

Todoroki is holding me while I read. His head sits on top off my own. God...I never would've thought that he would like me... and now here we are... he's holding me while I read... in my bed that I've turned into a nest...and he saw me naked and in heat....and we almost fucked and he saw me finish my original hand job off too....

I feel my face heat up and sigh softly.

"You ok Baku?" He asks

"Huh? Oh yeah just lost in thought..." I reply softly.

He hums and rubs circles into my stomach. I can't help but smile and lean into him.

"You're cozy Todo..."

The latter chuckles and blushes softly, kissing my head. I smile softly and set the book down. I turn in his lap to face him.

"I'm sorry for earlier..."

He frowns "It is perfectly fine Bakugou." He replies

I shrug and set my chin onto his shoulder. After a little while Todo had to go to his room and tidy himself before dinner. Unfortunately, he took his jacket with him. So now I'm stuck without his pretty smell.

I move and fix up my nest. Then I proceed to change into pj's before spraying myself over with a scent masker that I keep for times where I'm stuck with drug store suppressants. Then leaning against the wall, I call my doctor to refill my prescription suppressants.

"Hello, this is the Mustafu pharmacy, how can I assist you today?"

Such a generic opener.

"Hello, I'm calling to refill my prescribed omega heat suppressants."

"Ok, and your name sir?"

"Katsuki Bakugou."

After sum small hums and the shuffle of paper on the other line the woman replies to me

"Ok. So, it says here that you take male suppressants with the use of scent blocking, heat cancellation and or heat minimizers. They are also specialized to accommodate with the nitroglycerin in your system from your quirk. They also accommodate to your prescribed anxiety, insomnia and depression medications. Is that correct?"

"Yes. Speaking of I need a refill of those things as well."

"Ok, I will add them to the order. Your prescription will be ready for being picked up sometime next week. The charges will be taken from your connected payment system unless otherwise covered by your insurance."

"Thank you. Have a nice evening..."

"You too sir!"

Hanging up the phone I release a sigh. I guess I'm stuck with these drug store suppressants for now. They're ok but they've always upset my stomach. The doctors have always said that it's from both counteraction with the nitroglycerin I can produce and, in the future, it got worse from some other issues I've had.


I sigh heavily as I look into the mirror. Why the hell am I so fucking ugly? I hate myself.... My body is fucking disgusting. I hate it... Why do I have to look like this?

"Katsuki dinner!" My mother calls.

I tense and sigh heavily, getting into a hoodie and sweats. Once done I go downstairs and sit at the dining table with my parents. I stare at my food in despair.

I'm not hungry...I haven't been hungry in ages. That's why I don't eat unless its unavoidable.

After internally sighing I force my meal down, being excused after. I go straight up into my bathroom and close and lock the door. I immediately open the toilet and throw up everything in my stomach. I hold my stomach and whimper a bit. After my throat recovers a bit I rise and flush the toilet.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2020 ⏰

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