Chapter Twenty Four

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Izanbar stared deep into the night. The Heretic army held their position a hundred paces away but were ready to strike at any moment. The Professor was alert yet he knew that this fight might just be beyond him and the College too. But Izanbar would never tell his troops of his worried thoughts because he was a true and heroic leader. 

“There are so many of them,” Hox grunted and peered across to the hundred strong army. “They out number us by two to one.”

“This College will fight until the very end,” Izanbar reminded his Knight sternly and then turned to the rest of his noblemen. “And that goes for every last one of us.” 

“Sir!” one of the trainee Knights cried as he ran forward through the ranks towards Izanbar and the other noblemen.

“What is it Squire?” Izanbar barked.

“Father Valliant!” the student replied before pointing out to the northwest. “He approaches Sir!”

The Professor peered across the fields to see two figures on horseback riding at great speed towards them. The Priest and Grace galloped across the line of College troops until they arrived at the group of Knights. The animal came to a stop before Grace then jumped off and quickly ran over to her father.

“Dad!” she yelped.

“Gracey!” Izanbar replied and picked his daughter up before hugging her tight. “Thank the Kings you’re safe.”

“Charles,” Father Valliant nodded. “Good to see you again.”

“Yes Father. Thank you for coming,” the Professor replied and frowned when he realised straight away that someone was missing from the group. “Where is Adrian?”

“The King and his companion Mr Jackerby are currently on their way to the Shadowlands,” the Priest told him firmly.

“And so the Legend must be fulfilled,” Izanbar said proudly. “It is time.”

“Adrian is going to face Moargart!” Grace yelled.

“What’s the plan of action now Professor?” Valliant asked and gazed across to the dark forces that awaited the College.

“Our troops will hold off the Heretics for as long as we can,” Izanbar insisted. “When the Dark King is defeated then his army will retreat and scatter. Of that I am certain.”

“Is there nothing else we can do,” Grace quivered.

 “Let us hope Adrian succeeds in his mission,” the Professor said thoughtfully.” Before its too late.”

“Too late?” Grace frowned back towards her father with confusion. Izanbar glanced across towards his fellow Knights. The nobles could tell the Professor feared that if this battle went on for too long then the College might be in real danger of defeat and for many it would spell certain death.

“The King will be victorious,” the Priest cried with confidence. “By the might of Spirit King Thera, I know it to be true.”

“Take Grace inside Father,” Izanbar demanded before the Priest quickly helped his daughter back onto the horse and they both rode back to the safety of the College.

“What are your orders?” Hox grunted.

“We fight for our King,” Izanbar replied. “And Adrian fights for the fate of us all!”

I waited anxiously behind the tower wall and peered around the corner towards the castle gate. The caves had given me safe passage through the mountain and had led me straight to the border of the palace. I carefully lifted back the material of my long, black hood and glanced up towards the two watchtowers. My newly acquired Heretic cloak was very handy indeed. It meant that I could creep through the inner workings of Moargart’s grounds a little easier being disguised as one of his monstrous slaves.

(Adventure Adrian and the Kings) The Herald QuestWhere stories live. Discover now