Chapter Twenty Five

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And so the epic battle raged on. The Knights and their students fought heroically, and as the numerous monsters attacked from all sides, the College did their best to stop them advancing. The Professor lunged for another Heretic and stabbed his sword straight through the creature’s body as it bore down on him.

Izanbar yanked his blade back out again and then the monster burst into a cloud of dust before its cloak dropped to the floor. He took a second to glance around the battlefield and watched on as the students fought bravely. But then the Knight noticed a deadly shadow looming from behind him and it sent a nasty shiver down his spine...

The Dark King slowly rose from his throne and, for the first time, I cast my eyes on my sworn enemy’s imposing figure. And the rumours we’d heard about his scary appearance were all true. Moargart had an almost god like build and stood at least three metres tall. The effects of the Shadow had sculpted him into a powerful being that would be near impossible to stop.

Moargart wheezed heavily and focused his gaze on my blade as soon as it was in view. The Dark King seemed almost obsessed by its presence and clearly desired the shimmering sword above all else. It held the key to giving Moargart an unstoppable power and nightmarish reign.

My enemy wore a jet-black suit of armour and a matching helmet with sharp edges. Moargart stepped down from his stolen throne and then pounded slowly towards me. The yellow of his eyes burned even brighter, the anger and hatred that tore through his veins had mutated him into the ultimate warrior.

In his grasp, the Dark King clutched the sword Erebus, the famous and feared blade that had slain so many during the final battle of the Great War. That included my Father too. And in the years that had passed since that night, the sword had only become even greater.

“Revenge…burns…in…your…eyes,” Moargart growled slowly in a deathly voice and then raised his mighty blade before pointing it in my direction.

“All I want is what’s rightfully mine,” I replied with as much confidence as I could. Just seeing the Dark King in person stirred hatred in my soul and even he didn’t faze me now. “Stand down Moargart and give me back my Kingdom. I promise I will cause you no harm!”

“Mwah..ha..ha!” my enemy bellowed at what he felt was a feeble threat before looming over me with his terrifying frame. “You…are…no…match…for…me…child.”

“I’m stronger than you think!”

“The…throne…is…what…you…desire…boy,” Moargart growled and pointed towards the stone chair with his gigantic hand span. I felt magnetically drawn to the throne’s energy but I wouldn’t let it distract me from my mission.

“The throne will be mine,” I demanded. “I will fight until the very end to reclaim it!”

“And…you…will…die…trying!” Moargart roared and then lunged forward before swinging his blade at me for the first time. His weapon struck against Utopia and a white flash exploded on impact. In fact every time our swords collided then a spray of light burst into the gloomy air. 

And before long we were locked in an almighty contest. Our blades clashed from every angle and to begin with, it was hard to keep up with the speed of Moargart’s impressive attack. Erebus was incredible because even though it looked as heavy as stone, it actually glided through the Dark King’s fingers with ease. It was as if the poisonous blade and its owner were working in harmony. And whenever the weapon struck Utopia, it sent shivers right through my arms and down my spine.

It was then that I made my first mistake and left the enemy with space to attack. I over stretched and the Dark King’s sword came slashing down towards me. I thought I was definitely done for. With nothing to block Moargart’s swipe, I held out my hand and tried to defend myself.

(Adventure Adrian and the Kings) The Herald QuestWhere stories live. Discover now