chapter one

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"Lynn!" Diego exclaimed, slamming her room door open as he rushed into the lilac-coloured room. Lynette jumped at Diego's sudden appearance, falling off her bed and on to the hardwood flooring. "For Christ's sake Diego, don't do that! You scared the crap out of me!" Lynette exclaimed, letting out a sigh and getting up from the floor, picking up her book that had fallen with her and straightening the crinkles in her uniform that resulted from the fall.

"Sorry, have you seen my knives?"

Lynette sighed deeply and made her way to her desk, nose buried in her book as she pulled out two of Diego's throwing blades from its drawer. "Here," she lifted her head to look at him as she mindlessly placed Diego's knives back in his open palm before getting back to the book she had been reading prior to his unexpected entrance.

"Where're the other knives?" Lynette just answered Diego's query with a simple shrug, not taking her eyes of the words on the pages of her latest literary endeavour. Just when Diego let out a sigh of frustration while turning to leave the room of his favourite sibling, a familiar crack was heard as Five peered his head through Lynette's doorway holding 5 more knives in his hands.

"They were in the kitchen... again..." Five explained, sighing exasperatedly.

Just then, a familiar yet hated sound rang throughout the house, blaring at full volume. The mission alert bell. Lynette's eyes widened and she snapped her head up from her book, looking around for a second or two before tossing her book onto her desk and using her ability to manipulate air currents, Lynette shoved Five and Diego away from her dwelling and into the hallway, causing them to fall backwards and onto their backs.

"Sorry!" Lynette hollered to her brothers after slamming the door shut in their faces as they lay turtled on the floor too stunned to move. Lynette heard the entranced boys being pulled out of their dazed and picking themselves up from the floor, dashing to their rooms as Allison ran down the stairs from the attic calling for Luther to hurry up. Lynette quickly scrambled to locate her mission uniform, hurriedly changing as the sounds of her siblings running up and down the halls, yelling at one another as their 'father' ordered for them to speed up their actions, prompting her to hasten her pace.

Struggling to zip up her suit, she opened the door with her telekinetic ability and stumbled out of the doorway, tripping slightly as she pulled her boots up over the balls of her ankles, her mask floating along behind her. After composing herself, she snatched her domino mask from the air as she ran down the hall helping her siblings along the way.

Helping Ben with the zipper of his suit, finding Five's missing mask, literally dragging Klaus from his room, praising Vanya's music and grabbing Diego's knives for him while he worked on his stutter with their dear, beloved robot-mother, Grace. These were just some of the involuntary chores Lynette always had to complete before any mission.

Without her, the gifted siblings would have been in an even more chaotic state than they were usually always in. Lynette was the glue of the siblings, keeping them bonded and in check, ready for anything the world threw at them... Well almost everything.

Once the children were all dressed and ready, they raced down the stairs, tripping over themselves and the steps of the old wooden staircase of the old home, arriving at the grand hall where their mission was explained to them.

An armed robbery at a bank nearby. Hostages taken, women and children included. Their goal was to safely free the hostages and take down the armed robbers. Reginald brought Vanya along, keeping her at his side away from the others as they watched the scene through telescopes.

Unnoticed and silent, Luther led the super-powered group of emotionally tormented children into the bank. As soon as they infiltrated the bank, they laid out a plan.

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