Chapter 5.5

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Hey ppl.


No One's POV

The huge crowed full of masculinity, excited for the upcoming battle. They boasted their skills, showed off their muscles, or betted on competitors. The event was in full swing and full of happy citizens.

"First up's the elimination round. The ref will be yours truly, LoveHem. The rules of this round are extremely simple! Knock your opponents out of this ring! Throwing them out is fine, pushing too! OR SEND THEM FLYING!!! As long as it's barehanded, the contenders who are still standing will move on to the next round. Now then let the battle begin!!!", the ref yelled. Men's war cry's filled the ears, as they charged for a set target. Men hand in hand, pushing each other. Meliodas stood round looking for a opponent, till he felt a hand on his shoulder. He turn to see a random man. "I think its about time little kids leave.", the man said. Meliodas places a hand on his sleeve and throws the guy out of bounds and off the ring. His cry's follow after him. "This is so boring.", Ban yawns and dodges two men. King runs around pillow in hand, avoiding combat, shamefully.

Women and men cheered in the crowed for their husbands, or said friends. "They oughta call themselves lucky I didn't join this fight.", Hawk says ironically. (Okay..) "LISTEN UP PUNKS! Come get a mug of Vanya Ale, only one silver coin a mug!", Hawk yells training his entrepreneur skills. Many yells for a mug, all around, and with Hawk fulfilling.

The little old man wonders the ring, drunklike, and manages to stay unharmed. With Howzer and Grimoire, fighting their easiest. Meliodas spots Ban, "Hey Ban? Make sure you pull your punches against these guys." "Yeah obviously. This festival wouldn't be fun if we kill everyone here.", Ban answers then spots something. He sees a male sparring another, with a similar fancy suit. Ban decided to research and partake. With a sneaky smile and laugh at that. Meliodas smiles and lets him be. "Hey come on Captain, your totally having fun here." "Yeah right. Now does it really look like I'm enjoying myself?" King frowns and nods his head, 'Yes'. "Listen to me king. If we win this thing we get Diane's Gidden back. Don't you wanna see that smile on her face?", Meliodas persuades King. King blushes and imagines Diane's happy and cute future reaction. "FIRST PLACE IS MINE!", King yells encouraged. "Alright that's the spirit."

Diane's POV

"You and me are gunna make sweet music baby!", a overly large male says in perverted tone. I bounce him back with a simple placement of my palm. He flies back and falls of the ring. I swiftly round house kick another competitor. Then knee another, and gracefully landing on my feet on a face of another. Soon taking out may others, witch I unknowingly toss them towards King. And soon the attention of Meliodas, Ban and King.

King's POV

I look behind me and see a cluster of men flying right at me. They land with a bang.

No One's POV

"Talk about moving fast as lightning! One fighter just left ten of the men out of the ring all at once!" "She's doing pretty good huh?", Meliodas says. "Its kinda scary. Bet she's not getting a lot of dates.", Ban says jokingly. "Hey where'd you get that jacket?", Meliodas asks. Ban smiles and chuckles. "Let's take a look at who's left in the ring!", the ref says. "Four, five, six, seven.", a man counts. "So what do we do now? That's not enough for the next match.", another asks. "There's one more who hasn't got knocked out of the ring!", another points out at King. He was cowardly flouting on his Chastyful pillow configuration. (That was close.), King thought. "Hey no fair he can float!", a man yells. "Well I admit it's unfair, but he's not using any weapons. I'll allow it!", the ref teases the crowd. "Aw well aren't you lucky played dirty and still won.", Ban teases. "Yeah way to cheat!", Meliodas encourages. "Do you really think it's cheating?", King asks truly unsure.

"And now well hold the lottery to decide whos matched up!", the ref yells. "The eight final should head to the waiting area!", the ref continued.


"Come on up and draw your luck.", the ref yell holding up a cup full of sticks. "The first match will be the ones to fight in the first official round." "This sucks. I'd wish they'd hurry up ang get to the finals already.", Ban says with a smile. Meliodas smiles hearing Bans whines. "Don't talk like that and get knocked right before the end, okay.", Meliodas teases. "That is not gunna happen.", Ban says. "Ugh my stomach. The stress is killing me.", King whines to himself.

"Okay folks I'll announce the fighting groups. First match up is Grimoire and Matrona!", the ref yells. "Hey look it's that girl from earlier.", King says. "I've never heard of her, but it's a big world out there.", Meliodas says. The Matrona girl moves her head from Meliodas's direction and Meliodas questions. "The next is Howzer and Taizu!", the ref continues. "I know him. Now I remember he's a holy knight I saw him with Gilthunder lots of times.", King says. "But what's he doing at a festival like this? It'll really suck if we'd get recognized.", Meliodas says. King's eyes widen as he faces Ban, "Hold on, you signed us up for this right? You didn't enter us as our actual names did you?", King asks scared. Ban smiles reassuringly and pat Kings head, "Don't get your panties in a wad. I totally got your back on this." "And here's the third match up. Tin and OldFart!", the ref continues. King chuckles at the second name, "OldFart who'd use a name like that?" Ban smiles, "Three guesses." King frowns, "What?! They're gunna think I'm so kinda joke!" "Hey you made it to the finals to?", Meliodas asks Tin. The old man laughs, "Thanks to liquid courage." "What's going on here? I don't think I've heard the ref call my name yet.', Ban says. "Or mine.", Meliodas says. Meliodas and Bans eyes widen. "And the last match up is Meliodeth and Ba'han!", the ref finishes. "Were in the first round, that a surprise.", Ban says. "Um, what's with those names you picked?", Meliodas asks. They were quite similar to their original names. "There so obvious.", King says. "I cant think of anything goo when I'm on the spot guys.", Ban says.

Then Howzer approaches them all, "Hey, you. That's a big scar on your cheek. Just like that one guy on a wanted poster." Ban keeps a suspicious look mixed with a slight frown.

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