Shivers down your spine

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- Benji tops again
- no trigger warnings (I don't think)
-blindfold(?), degradation, hair pulling
3rd person pov
Benji was in the kitchen cooking food for jeyjey. You'd think after all his years of breathing he'd actually be able to cook. Nope. Benji doesn't mind it, he loves food so he's basically a master chef.

Jeyjey has a high demand for breakfast food, benjis cooking eggs, bacon and pancakes.

Jeyjey was spread out on the couch watching tv. Both of the boys where tired after hiking. Jeyjey was staring at the tv as if he's watching it. When really he's imagining scenarios of Benji fucking him on the kitchen counter.

Benji realizes jeyjey is staring at the tv instead of actually watching it. "What're you doing?" Benji slightly laughs.

"I'm watching tv."

"Alright" Benji replies.

He knew jey wasn't watching tv. He just wanted to know what jey was doing.

Jey pushes down the boner in his pants as it forms. Benji notices, smirks, then goes back to cooking.

"Babe come over here I'm gonna show you how to cook." Benji cockily says.

Jey gets up, walking funnily to Benji. Benji kisses his neck, nibbling a little. "I love your neck babe." Jey let out a hum and tilts his neck more. Benji pulls away and smiles.

Benji puts jeyjey infront of him and hugs him from behind. "So you grab the spatula and move around the eggs until they come together." Benji emphasizes the word come, into jeys ear. Benji grabs the boys wrist controlling them, moving the spatula jey is holding around the pan.

"You do simulate steps with the pancakes, but you don't shuffle them around. Instead you pour the mix into the pan and wait for it the harden." Benji says, seeing jey harder than ever.

"Why are you breathing so heavy baby?" Benji asked in a curious tone.

"You know why." Jey glances over his shoulder looking back at Benji. Benji looking deep into his eyes, you could almost feel the hunger.

"Mm maybe I don't." Benji softly says.
His words sent shivers down his spine.

"What do you say we put the food in the fridge and I'll fuck you instead?" Benji cocks his head.

"But I'm hungry."

"It's fine baby I have a mouthful waiting here for you." Benji moves jeys much smaller hand, to the zipper on his jeans.

Jey was melted as Benji forced his hand on his cock. Jey wanted him.

"Why don't you go sit on the couch and I'll turn the burners off?" Jorge obeys, going to the living room.

Benji flicks off the stove, putting away the pan he was using. The other pans went into the sink since they where used. Benji ate a piece of bacon, then put the plate he wrapped in tin foil into the fridge.

He walks to the bathroom  a few steps from the kitchen and gets a head band. The cloth kind that are thick.

Benji then walks into the living room where jey was laying down.

"What're your thinking about?" Benji ask.

"What you're gonna do to me." He breathes

Benji smiles and climbs on top of jey. Kissing him roughly, yet passionately at the same time.

"Such a slut for me."
"You'd probably get turned on just from me looking at you."

"Benji don't tease me please." Jey breathes out.

Benjey one shotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora