Carnival lights

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-HolA horny teenagers it's me your lord and savior
-I'm currently writing this instead of doing my summer reading
-K so this is based when they went to the carnival
Overview type thing???
Edging, them at the carnival
Benji (as it should be 🌚❗️)

Benjis pov
Jeyjeys ass looked perfect in those tight jeans he's wearing. I wanna tear them off but his little sisters with us. I have a boner just thinking about fucking him. I close my eyes imagining his bones clanking against the wall of our apartment. My dick grows in my pants, fuck. I look over at jeyjey smiling like a child, he's pretty exited and in a happy mood I don't wanna ruin it.

I swing my hand down and wrap it around his. His eyes lock onto mine, the carnival lights reflect in his pupils. I lean over and kiss him on his nose before I put my arm around his shoulder.

"I wanna go on the Farris wheel." He says, but sounds like he's asking. His sister agrees and starts jumping.

"Alrighty." I follow after his sister.

We make our way to the Farris wheel before jey's mom comes up to us. She said she wants to take his sister home because it's getting dark. Jey looks a little sad and I try to make him feel better with a kiss. He smiled looking up, and with broken English says how he loves the Farris wheel. I laugh and fluff around his hair.

"Two tickets please." The ride attendant ask.

I hand him my card, which he swipes twice and then let's us on. Jey looks a little uneasy as the bar locks in place.

"I thought you love this ride?" I ask wondering if he wants to get off before it starts.

"I do I just don't like it until it starts moving." Jeyjey says.

I hold him close with his head on my chest. I take in the sight of all the beaming lights, the rides glowing in pure darkness for miles. He closes his eyes when the ride starts moving.

"It's so pretty." Jey beams as we make our way to the top.

"Not as pretty as you." He blushes.

He notices I'm hard and looks at me seductively.

"Don't think about here. It's not the time."

"But what if I-" Jey moves his hand to my pants.

Jey's pov:
I palm Benji through his pants, asserting pressure on his cock. I know Benji warned me not to but it's still fun.

His facial expressions change from anger to need. I stop my movements and bring my hands to my sides.

"What do you think you're doing?" Benji looks mad.

"You told me not too." I say innocently.

Benji undoes the zipper to my pants and pulls down my underwear. I get shaky knowing what his plan is. I'm also scared of someone seeing us. He sucks down two inches, which is a lot because my dick isn't that big. I moan and push his head off. I'm clearly hard when he keeps going.

"Benji stop it."

"Why should I?" He cockily looks up and me

"It feels too good?" He smiles.

"That and someone might s-see us." I stutter.

Benji stops and we sit in awkward silence for the last rotation of the ride. Both harder than ever.

The last loop concluded and we both hopped off the ride.

"Bath room?" I question as Benji drags me towards the exit of the park.

Benjey one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now