Believe it!

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'So hot.'

Rin pants. Sweat slides down his body. His back arks against the one above him. His claws rail down the desk and he's screaming.

Mephisto spreads his legs wider and drives in even further. His lips run over the warm skin of Rin Okumura. The teens body is a wonder to the elder demon.

Mephisto's skillful fingers graze Rin's tail and a new set of cries escape his drooling mouth.

Rin's body trembles at the sensations. Mephisto rubs the base of Rin's tail and his fangs bit down on his charge's sensitive skin. "M-Mephisto!" Rins hands are now raking down his headmasters back. His mouth left slack open.

Mephisto grinned as beads of sweat dripped down his back mixed with dribbles of blood.

Rin's brain ran blank with pleasure. His mind attempted to form sentences, words but all the came out were mewls of pleasure.

Mephisto rolled his hips hitting the boys prostate--'Dear God!' He moaned.

"More Mephisto!" Rin screamed. He raked his arms down Mephisto's already healed back again before throwing them around his neck. His back arks deeper.

"Of course, Rinny." Groaned the purple demon with a grin. The nickname was sure to annoy Rin--and, had he not been so focused on being fucked he would have punched that clown. So instead he whimpered. Mephisto lifted his legs up.

Rin's cock dribbled with pre-cum. He was so hard it hurt. But oh God Mephisto was hitting the spot so perfectly in this position!

Rin pulled Mephisto flush against his chest burrying himself in the crook of the other's neck. Rin intertwined their tails together shuddering at the sensitivity. The demon above the exorcist growls pushing up his legs further.

Both demons were close to finishing. Mephisto's movements became erratic. His lean frame pushing against the smaller one beneath him as the familiar tightness balled in his stomach. With one hand stroking Rin's dick the other made work of toying with his tail. 'Rin absolutely loses it when someone plays with his tail.' Mephisto grinned. His mouth sucked at the skin around the boys neck peppering his skin in little red marks like wine on a cotton shirt.

Rin was still in the crook of Mephisto's neck. His breathing quick while his hole continuously twitched around the length of Mephisto. More precum leaked out as the elder demon craned his little satan spawns' neck to give him full access.

Rin moaned. "Mephisto, I'm going t-to come!" Cried out the exwire. His toes curl up tightly and he's panting, drooling with teary eyes.

A gutteral growl escapes his lips, Mephisto tugged on his and Rin's tail. The demon king tugs on the boy's cock, rolling his hips and giving a final thrust.

Mephisto latches his lips onto Rin's. Their claws mangle together in a mess of blood and saliva. Tongues dance loosely battling for dominance. Finally, Rin clenches around Mephisto; the latter's come spirts out on both their chests as the former jutters his hips riding out the high of his own release. Mephisto stays inside Rin until all his come flows inside him. His ass feels hot from the heat of sperm.

Mephisto is already off of him and beginning to get redressed.

Rin moans breathlessly. His tail lazily swishing against Mephisto's own as he slumps on the desk of the man on top of him.

'Someone's bound to see it.' Rin laughed looking down at the long scratch marks on either side of him. Oh well. It wasn't his problem after all. He had a lot of other things to worry about himself. Like becoming an exorcist, kicking satan's ass, fixing whatever's going on with Yukio, and hopefully passing cram school.

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