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The day catches up with Rin and he slumps over, beneath a tree. He's still sweaty and tired and wants to sleep. So he does.

He is not sure for how he slept but when he wakes the sun is still the same. A simple melody interrupts his thoughts.

Rin answers his phone.

"Yo Mad Dog, what's up?" Rin asks in his normal pumped up tone.

"Hey Devil. We need you to come to the bar today. Can you make it?"

Rin scratched his head. "Uh sure. What for?" He needed a good reason to leave considering all the trouble he would go through to sneak out. Mephisto already thought he was running away once and god forget Yukio considering he hadn't even touched his homework and Rin still didn't say anything about him and Mephisto.

"Lynx, wants to talk to you. He said it was important and that it was one of those face-to-face conversations." Mad Dog replied, an obxious shrug in her voice.

"Must really be important then." Rin said quietly. "I'll be there." The kid hangs up and begins walking back to his dorm.


As stealthy as possible Rin trudges into his and Yukio's dorm. He prayed his twin wasn't home nor was he in the doorway waiting. 'Nows the perfect time to go on a mission, Yukio.'

"Rin, there you are, where have you been?"

The demon in question sighed a long exhale. Life was never kind to poor Rin.

He turned to face his brother. Yukio glared at him. Rin cringed.

His plans for sneaking out where shot at this point.

"Listen, Yukio I don't have time to explain. I gotta go. If you want to know about Mephisto wait till I come back." Rin explains carefully.

"Go where, Rin? Where are you sneaking off to? And what is going on with you and Mephisto? Tell me."

'Oh, I'm just going to a bar filled with gang members to discuss some stuff with their dangerous leader. No big deal. It's just like picking up milk at the store.' Rin snickered with a scowl. Like hell.

"Mephisto... teaches me...things." He answers slowly. It wasn't a lie. But it wasn't the whole truth.

"Like what?"

"Demon things."

Yukio tenses. His shoulders stiffen and he is silent. His tired eyes dart a bit before he calms himself of the wiry look on his face. "Alright fine; where are you going now? With Mephisto?"

Rin thought about his answer carefully. He could say yes and have an excuse to leave but would Yukio check in with Mephisto to make sure? Then things could either get worse or he would owe Mephisto a favor.

Then he could say no. He would have to make up some excuse but he also wouldn't have to worry about someone else's involvement.

"Nah. The clown has work to do at the academy. Shocking I know but anyways I'm going to..." Crap. All that thought and he hadn't even come up with an excuse! "Well I'm just going out." Rin blinked. That was it. Yukio would never let him go now.

"Rin," Yukio inhaled. His voice was not angry. It was soft and he seemed to be calm. The exorcist moved towards his brother, stares into his eyes and tells him, "Fine, Rin, but be back before it gets too late."

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