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Yukio pov

The exorcist thinks back to ealier with his brother. How could Rin be so different yet the same? Yukio wants to smile but he is still concerned about his twin. All he could do was pray Rin was in good hands now and would forgive him.

Were his final words too suspicious?

Perhaps they were and that is why Rin responded as so. Maybe he should leave him a proper goodbye message or call him. So he does. It rings and Rin does not answer. Yukio sighs.

"Hey, this is Rin! If you're getting this it means I didn't answer. Either I'm busy or ignoring you. I'll get back to you as soon as I can! So don't blow up my phone." His voicemail says.

Yukio's lips curl slightly. His nii-san would be ok. Or at least that's what Yukio tells himself to keep from falling apart. He did not want to see tears in those beautiful blue eyes and certainly not because of him.

"Hey Rin, it's Yukio. Where ever you are I hope you're safe and happy, nii-san. I know I may have worried you earlier and I'm sorry about that." Yukio chuckles ackwardly. "You're getting this message because I'm on a mission. One that I will not return from alive. I understand what is going and why so before you try to scream at anyone please hear me out. This will the last thing I ever tell you. Also, there's an unofficial will in my room. I left it on my desk."

I'm sorry if you ever thought I blamed you for dad's death. I never did. I wanted to protect you and that's part of the reason I became an exorcist because you were my cool big brother who protected me from bullies. So when dad died I blamed myself because I failed. I felt like I couldn't do anything. It was really hard and since it was just us after that I wanted to protect you even more. But I wasn't strong enough," Yukio paused, a strangled sob wretched from his throat.

"I couldn't protect you from anything and you always lept head first into trouble. Just like when we were kids. You were so far ahead I thought I was being left behind, forever unable to catch up."

"Rin, remember that I've always loved you. I wish I could hug you and hear you call me a 'spotted four-eyes' again. Grow up nicely, please. Become an exorcist and kick satan's ass for the both of us. And whatever you have going on with Mephisto, tell him if he ever hurts you I'll come back from the grave to kill him him. I saw the marks, Rin and, you could've told me." Yukio chuckles again. This time he is more resigned.

"Goodbye, nii-san. I-I lo-love you."

He hangs up. The tremors racking through his body make him want to sob. But he does not. He steels his nerves. He had to focus on the task in front of him now. His message to his brother was over. He had to forget him or things would get more difficult. He may try to reach for things he cannot possibly get. Quickly, he puts his cellphone in his pocket.

The exorcist jogs over to the isolates area of S-class demons. He sees them in all their horror.

Human-like creatures with black eyes, sharp teeth that probably slice through flesh like butter, scaled skin that formed over the outer part of the body with long twisted horns on top of their heads. They were much larger than any human and their claws claws were a permanent red.

"Death Demons." Yukio murmured dryly.

The boy removes his guns from their holster as he takes cover behind a tree before the demons could notice. He checks his guns for complications then charges into battle.

The area was isolated and from the briefing demons spawned in the area very recently. Yukio wondered who it was that had such pain. Death demons were some of the worst kinds of demons to exist let alone to have feed off of a person.

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