Carefully Designed On A Crumbling Board

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Mephisto pov

There are times when even Mephisto Pheles, Samael, demon king of time and space is caught off guard. This happened to be one of those times.

How are you supposed to react when the little satan spawn, the weapon of the Vatican, is in a hospital full of random people with his demon heart in the open for display? When his flames radiate off him so hot that your skin blisters in his presence? When he tells you that the younger spawn's life was threatened on a mission? When your plans are quite close to being thrown out the window? Years of carefully designing and moderating an elaborate game of chess to enjoy about to be destroyed because someone went over your head on a decision?

Well, you remain as calm and composed as Mephisto Pheles always is. In his usual showy stupor that veiled the demon Samael that clawed at his throat most persistently on this day. Because, dear satan was he ready to eviscerate the entire Order himself if they didn't stop budding into things that weren't their business.

The demon shook his head and spun away from the boy. "I will contact everyone at the cram school and update them on the situation. For now Mr. Okumura, we need to head back to my estate because as you may not have noticed yourself, you are quite literally on fire." Mephisto feined an amused voice.

It was true that the entire problem was concerning. Yukio was one of his students and that meant he could not die. Despite all that transpired in recent events Mephisto had a duty to protect his students...from certain things.

"I'm not leaving Yukio, Mephisto! He's knocking at death's door right now."

Mephisto heard from behind him. A quiet sigh escaped his lips as he spun back around. He strode over to the other and matched his demonic appearance. He placed a firm, gloved hand on the child's shoulder, bearing enough pressure to make his flames receed.

"We will stay here just to get an update on Mr. Okumura's condition and then we will leave immediately. I need to check the condition of the kurikara." Mephisto stared down at Rin.

Rin cracked a half smile.

Mephisto raise a brow at him unsure of what part of his assertion was humorous. Was he even listening to his juncture? This being the same boy that fell asleep in class every other day he only assumed not.

"Thank you, Mephisto."

"Don't be mistaken, in the mean time you will not be out here. Blame nothing but your own adamancy for the situation to come, Mr. Okumura."

Mephisto glared at Rin. The boy was far too troublesome in any instance outside of his bedroom. He isn't given the time to reproach because he is already being dragged down the hall of the emergency room.

Mephisto forces the two of them into an empty bathroom and searches the child's eyes. His brows furrow in irritation. Rin stared back at Mephisto baring his fangs in his own idiotic display of anger.

Belligerent fool. He scoffed hoping a reprise in all this trouble would be putting that troublesome childs' mouth to good use. He satiates both the urge to tear out Rin's throat and bury his dick deep in it.

"Mr. Okumura, control yourself. Get rid of those flames." Mephisto explains dryly. He felt no further urge to deal with the guise of Mephisto. Not when another demon attempted to threaten him.

When Rin made no move to control the blue flame that coated his skin Mephisto made one of his own.

He understood that teenagers find themselves at a rebellious stage in their life but he did not understand how now off all times Rin could possibly be this foolish. Now wasn't the time to disagree with Mephisto when he could turn the entire building into ash with everyone in it. Was his younger that much of a distraction?

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2019 ⏰

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