chapter 15

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The next morning came fairly quickly and I suddenly remembered the night before as if I was reliving it all over again, the sounds of clapping replayed in my mind along with the way Alex stared into my eyes after we stood in front of the door of the hotel room I had been staying in. Alex and myself would be flying to Tennessee so we could meet with his new vocal coach which was a last minute decision since everyone else was busy doing other things, I didn't know what this new found relationship between Alex and myself would turn into but I hoped it would remain professional. I knew my dad wanted grandchildren but my line of work wasn't one that required dating clients and as much as was enjoying Alex's company I knew that it would never go any further than being his publicist. I got a hot shower just to clear my mind of the night before because I didn't want things to go any further than what they were now, and as much as I kept telling myself that the one person I desired the most didn't love me anymore the thoughts of his every embrace clouded my mind and it led to an imaginative passion that would never happen between the two of us because he had settled down and had a family of his own now and I needed to respect that even though my heart couldn't let him go. I decided to go pick Alex up from his apartment after I finished getting dressed and packed for the next city, I knew that he would need lots of vocal training and I hired the best coach the city had to offer despite the fact that weeks of practice would be required for him I decided on setting up his first meeting with the board after completing his training.

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