chapter 16

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After we arrived in the next city,  Alex and I decided to go explore the place while we got to know each other a little more, which I was glad of because I really needed a break from working and it felt nice talking to someone other than my dad. I slowly started forgetting about Ryan as time passed by, I needed to let him go for my sake and the sake of whoever I started dating because I wanted to have a lifelong relationship with someone besides Ryan and I couldn't do that with him still lingering in the back of my mind, I needed to be with someone who would love me despite my flaws and as time went by I felt like my heart was in need of a guy that reminded me of Alex; he was a gentleman, caring and sweet, someone that cared about how I felt and what I was going through, someone that would wipe away my tears whenever I cried, someone that would treat me like I wanted to be treated and someone that would take the time to ask how I was doing after a long day or spoil me every once in awhile and not spending a single penny of their hard earned money on myself. I needed a man that acted just as I described and right now that guy was Alex, he made sure I was healthy even if I wasn't taking care of myself and he knew just what to say to make me smile, I didn't realize it until now but I think he may have been feeling the same way too.

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