21b. More Vice, Less Virtue (M)

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Heads-up, this has double penetration, so if that's not your kink, don't read this. And please don't look too far into this or take it seriously because I most definitely didn't research this as much as I should have. Thank you!


They don't get rid of it right away. In fact, Arthit, stone-faced and red-eared, immediately opens up the drawer they store condoms and lube in and shoves it in there before slamming the thing shut. Kongpob doesn't know if he's implying something, or if he's following logic, or what, but something like anticipation rises in his chest, the belief that today won't be the last time he sees the toy.

And, as it turns out, it's not. It's at least a month later, and he's almost forgotten about the thing—at least as well as you can almost forget about something that involved a process with the end result being an exact replica of your dick—when, as hands are starting to roam, shirts pushed up and off of chests or unbuttoned and shoved off shoulders, belts unbuckled and pulled through the loops, Arthit breathes into the minimal space between their mouths, "I washed it... this morning."

He immediately squeezes his eyes shut after saying that, clearly mortified by his own words, but Kongpob doesn't mind. He merely presses a kiss, one that carries a promise, to Arthit's full lower lip, then reaches over across the bed to pull open the drawer and tug out the toy. He drops it on the bed next to Arthit and doesn't miss the way Arthit's eyes open the tiniest bit, landing nervously on the dildo, before snapping shut once more. A smile stretches across Kongpob's lips as he gets out the lube.

"We don't have to do this," he tells Arthit as he sets it all aside in order to move in closer to Arthit and begin pressing kisses down the long column of his neck.

"It's," Arthit swallows, and Kongpob traces the movement with his tongue, reveling in the way Arthit shivers beneath him, "what I... I want this."

Hearing the words from Arthit is always nice, and Kongpob smiles into the next kiss he presses into Arthit's skin. "That's good," he says. "I'm glad, but, P'Arthit," and here he pushes himself up fully to meet Arthit's eyes (nicely lust-blown, he's pleased to note), "remember that you can tell me to stop at any time. I don't want to hurt you, P'Arthit."

"I know," Arthit bites out, not quite meeting Kongpob's eyes, but that's okay. Kongpob leans forward to brush a kiss on Arthit's cheek, and Arthit's hands come up, one wrapping around the nape of his neck, the other grabbing his right arm then sliding down, down, down to lace their fingers together. "I know," Arthit repeats quietly after sealing their lips together in a kiss that manages to heat Kongpob's insides even more.

They manage to get their pants off, next, Arthit's deft fingers undoing the clasp on Kongpob's slacks, Kongpob quick to get Arthit's jeans unzipped, the both of them kicking them off best as they can without kicking each other. As soon as their pants are off, Kongpob is quick to get his hands on Arthit, stroking him over his underwear before sliding his hands under that final layer, only for Arthit to cant his hips up, allowing Kongpob to slip his hands around his waist to squeeze at his ass then shove his underwear down, Arthit letting out a gasp at the cool air that hits his erection.

Kongpob grins against Arthit's jaw before biting at the skin there, Arthit letting out a low whine, his own hands now working to get Kongpob's boxers off. When it's finally just skin on skin, Arthit smooths his hands down Kongpob's back, feeling the skin pulled taut over muscle. Kongpob closes his eyes at the sensation, especially when Arthit scratches his nails lightly down the skin. He takes a moment to just breathe in and feel before pushing himself up to hover over Arthit.

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