Character Profile: Doodle Melody (old sona)

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Ooh boy, time to see if there are any ogs out there who saw my DeviantArt back in the day

Ooh boy, time to see if there are any ogs out there who saw my DeviantArt back in the day

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God this is so old...

Anyway, this is my old sona, used from mid-2017 to mid-2018

Name: Doodle Melody

M/F/NB: Female

Age: 12/13

Likes/dislikes: basically whatever I liked/disliked back then

Story/other: my old sona. Created in early 2017 as a self-inserting character for FNAF comics, she was adopted as my sona later that year. Known for always being cheerful and optimistic despite having a quickly shortening patience. Was able to change forms to a degree, and possessed/used a magic drawing pen that brought any character she drew with it to life (this was my attempt at explaining how she was present in comics with canon FNAF characters). The pen was gifted to her by a game-jumper (an extra-dimensional being that could take the form/act in place of any playable character from any video game created) known as Player One. Some events were also supposed to hint at the fact that Doodle herself might also have been a game-jumper.

A former storyline included an unnamed enemy with motives never fully revealed nearly killing Doodle and destroying her pen. Player One would then guide other characters in Doodle's friend group (all Canon to FNAF, with the exception of like two of my closest friends at the time) in game-jumping throughout different games that I was into at the time to collect certain items that would restore her spirit and subsequently save her life. The final battle between Doodle and the enemy (which would originally be shown in an animation set to Echo by Crusher-P) would take place inside Doodle's comatose mind, where the items would give her enough strength to fully unlock her shapeshifting powers- although, instead of being restricted to pcs in video games, she could adopt the abilities of any character she drew interest from. It was never intended to be confirmed if she retained this ability after winning the battle and waking up.

Following the defunct of my DeviantArt account, I officially abandoned Doodle as my sona in mid 2018 and discontinued work on her as a character.

so what do you think? should I do more of these in the future?

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