Ch. 1

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"You're always one decision away from a totally different life."

Something about an empty campus brought me joy. The streets that were usually bustling with busy students, lay baren. And as far as I could see, there were no messenger bags, or mopeds in sight.

What does that mean?


I typically have classes still, at least I did last year. But after hours of argument, my parents talked me into taking some time off. Which is weird, because all I've known for the past two years was my dorm room and classes.

Now I'm moving into an apartment with my best friend, and I can take a step back from everything I'm used too. I never knew there was a whole city outside of campus, frankly because I never went and ventured into it.

"Leah," Anna croaks, looking up from her cup of coffee. "You got to wipe that sad look off your face, we're only gonna be five minutes away."

We're sat at our favorite café across the street from the library. She has a point, but it's still five minutes. Five minutes I have to be in a car, and not walking like I'm used too. I can't take my morning runs down by the quad, or find solace at my favorite Starbucks.

"I know, I'm just reminiscing okay. It's a whole chapter of our lives."

"Yes, it is. But girl, we got our own place now. Not those stupid dorms. No more fighting for showers, or waiting hours for a washing machine. We have an actual stove, and even a pool in the complex."

"Okay maybe there are some Pro's to all this," I chuckle.

We were waiting to get a text from Anna's Dad that the movers where all done with our things. In the mean time, taking in the last bit of campus was giving me comfort. Seeing all the memories we made here, flash before my eye's.

And yeah, I'm probably acting a little dramatic. We'll only be a few miles away, and I'll still constantly be involved in the events.

I need to get over my damn self.

My phone buzzing in my pocket brought me back to reality. The number looked unfamiliar, but anyways. I answered.

"Hello?" I spoke, giving Anna a questioning look.

"Yes, is this Miss Leah?" The voice on the other line said.

"Yes Ma'am."

"It's Brandi Armstrong from Helping Hands, inquiring to you about your application."

Helping Hands is a small thrift store that I somehow wandered into after we were finalizing everything on our apartment. It mostly sells old furniture that anybody who is DIY savy would love, and a small selection of clothing and toys. What drew me in was the eclectic furniture pieces that lined the window. I ended up buying a green armchair, with a paisley pattern on the cushion that day. It reminded me something right out of my Grandmother's house. Which is why I wanted it so much.

"Of course, what do you want to know?" I asked.

"Are you able to come in for a small interview today?"

"Yes, I'm available. What time?"

"Anytime before we close, I'll be there all day sweetheart."

"Perfect! I'll for sure come then."

After saying some parting words, I looked at Anna in amazement. I ranted to her for hours that day about how perfect working there would be. It was quaint, yet busy enough to where I wouldn't die of boredom.

When I walked in, I had this strange feeling. Like I was meant to be there.

All my friends always call me crazy whenever I go on about things happening for a reason. And maybe sometimes things don't happen because the universe said so, but sometimes different decisions lead you to a new life, a better one, or worse.

"You gonna take the job if they offer it to you?" Anna asked.

"Of course."

"I still can't believe you aren't taking classes. I'm gonna feel so alone in Western Civ." She groaned.

It sucks that we won't be in some of the same classes anymore, but I couldn't say no to my parents. They help me alot, with money and with life choices in general. And my Mom and I but heads, alot, but at the end of the day she's still my Mom.

After we finished our coffee and got back to the apartment, boxes lined aroud and our rooms stacked with random totes of things we were finally able to bring from our childhood bedroom's, that would have never fit in the dorms.

I rummaged through my clothes to find an outfit suitable for a interview. I ended up choosing a pair of black skinny jeans, and a dark red top that goes across my shoulders.

"Is this too innapropriate?" I asked.

"No, you look cute babe! If they don't hire you. I'll go up there and give them a talking too. You're perfect."

I needed to hear that.

Sometimes, I'm too much inside my own head. And too nervous for my own good. I get the jitters alot, and it took a long time for me to even be somewhat confident in my own skin. When I was going through high school, I was about fifty pounds heavier than I am now.

When I lost that weight, I sorta lost who I knew myself to be. That's when I started from the ground up. Sometimes, I swear I'm transported back to that fragile little girl I used to be. It's insane, because I know eventually I'll have to get over all that when I'm standing infront of a jury and judge defending my client.

I got to Helping Hands, and was instantly greeted at the door by Brandi, and her husband Al. They ushered me to a small break style room, in the back of the store. And started with the questions.

I kept the conversation flowing, and after my nerves set aside I felt pretty comfortable talking to them.

"What's your major in school?" Brandi asked.

"Political science. I want to be a lawyer someday."

"Oh! And she's a smart one. Al she's just perfect. We want to hire you dear!" She said, eyeing her husband, as he gave her a small nod of approval.


"Yes my love. When are you available to start?" She asked.

"Friday? I just moved into my apartment, so I have a ton of unpacking to do. Is that okay?"

"Of course. Come in Friday at noon, I'll start showing you the ropes then."

She gave me a small informational page, filled with the utmost basics. Uniform, which to my luck was casual. I could wear my favorite cardigans all I wanted. And the stuff on how to sign up for the direct deposit.

"This is Issac. You'll be seeing him around. He works here, and delivers furniture for me. Not to mention, my favorite Nephew."

I looked forward, and all I saw was a hard chest. I scanned up and saw the darkest pair of brown eye's I'd ever seen. The color of autumn leaves, just when the seasons change. Of dark whiskey, the kind that makes me feel light headed and happy.

"H-hi." I managed, "I'm Leah."

"Ah, you're the infamous Leah. I've heard alot about you. See ya 'round." He said, before jetting out the door.

Leah, breathe, he's cute. But he's got the vibe of 'no good,' written all over him.

Stay away.

Remember what I said earlier about choices, and how they change your life for better or worse. I feel like he's a choice that could rock my life upside down.

Remember ThisTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon