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So not only was I going to have to cancel the show, but I'd lost the band and a tour bus. I would kill them. I was sure they thought it was hilarious, wherever the hell they were, ignoring my phone calls. I was out of my mind with worry. How did I ring the record company and tell them what had happened? How did I go out to the fans who'd been waiting all day and say 'sorry the shows off, I've lost them'?

Half an hour before show time, I heard a loud horn sounding from somewhere up the road as I paced by the back door, cigarette in one hand and phone in the other. And then like this light at the end of a tunnel, I saw the yellow tour bus come down, Dan driving. Instantly, I burst into tears of joy. He parked it, badly, and the four of them disembarked, all with their arms triumphantly punching the air.

'I can't...guys...I'm gonna kill the lot of you, I swear to god. Thank you.' I hugged them all one by one.

'Sometimes you gotta break the rules.' Kyle winked.

We unloaded the gear straight onto the stage with only minutes to spare before the support act came on. I couldn't believe I hadn't thought of this. I'd been so consumed with the stuff not being here that I never thought to go and get it. And that was worrying. Problems such as this would always arise and I couldn't rely on others fixing them for me. Maybe I wasn't cut out for this after all?

I told Woody my fears, thanking him again for saving the day.

'Its ok. I guess we all have our moments. You'll think of it next time. You gotta remember, we've been doing this touring malarkey longer than you.'

'Well, I did used to manage a guy before, so I'm not totally incompetent.'

'You're not incompetent. Don't worry too much. I'm sure we'd have you back if no one else wants you.' He smirked.

'Thanks bro.' I hugged him again. 'Right, go get changed and get your arses on stage.'

[[[all of my flaws]]][[[part ii]]]Where stories live. Discover now