Drunken memories (Andy Biersack Imagine)

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You had been dating Andy for a few weeks now, you were stupidly happy with him., well, who wouldn't be? After 3 years of an abusive relationship with an alcoholic, this was more than perfect.

You woke up beside him, you examined him sleeping, he looked so cute and peaceful you thought. His eyes slowly flickered open, his blue eyes making you feel fuzzy inside. After all this time you still got butterflies when he looked at you. His lips lifted into a smile; "Morning" he said in his deep, tired yet sexy morning voice. You couldn't help but smile like an idiot and reply back, blushing. He stretched and sat up, running his hands through his black hair as he turned 90 degrees so his legs were touching the floor. You led in bed and watched him in a daze, thinking how lucky you were to have a boyfriend as perfect as Andrew Biersack. He headed for the bathroom for a shower, you turned over too look at your digital clock which at the top read 'Friday'. You groaned as you had to go to work today, luckily Friday were early finishes.


You finally finished work and was outside your house. You reached for the door handle which then pushed itself down. A second later the door swung open and Andy was on the other side looking as gorgeous as ever. "Oh hey beautiful" he beamed before kissing you. "I'm going to band practice then for a drink with the guys, I left you a note but I guess you don't need it now...you don't mind if I go out do you?" He pleaded. He was so cute when he was like this. You giggled "Why wouldn't I be? Have fun baby". You stepped out of the way as he walked out the door. Turning around he grabbed your waist, slid his hands behind your back and connected his hand pulling you closer looking down on you with his beautiful blue eyes. You looked at him blushing, leaning up he moved his face closer to yours until your lips met, kissing each other passionatly. You pulled away from the kiss and he rested his forehead on yours, still looking into your eyes. "I love you so much" he breathed. "I love you more". He chuckled as he walked away, stroking your hand as he headed for the car. "Impossible!" he exclaimed before sitting in the drivers seat of the car and pulling out of the driveway. You walked in smiling as you plopped yourself on the sofa grabbing the TV remote. You slowly drifted off to sleep watching American Horror Story, until Andy walked through the door at 1am.

He lazily flopped next to you waking you up, the smell of Jack Daniels and coke raidiating from him. "Heyyyyy baby" he slurred. You glanced over at him and smiled, at least he was having fun, right? "Heya babe" you sleepily said while kissing his cheek. He turned his face and forcefully planted a kiss on your lips, you could tell these were drunk kisses. He pulled you onto his lap and kissed you some more. You didn't want this to happen, he was drunk and you weren't. You pulled away. "Andy, not tonight, okay?" you pleaded as you got off his lap and stood up. "WHY do this to me (Y/N)? It's never when I want it, always when you want it!" raising his voice he stood up but almost fell back on the sofa. "I-I'm sorry Andy..." you shaked, he's never been like this. "Whatever!" He yelled as he turned to head of the stairs. You followed behind him and placed a hand on his shoulder "Andy don't be like-" he turned around and slapped your hand off him with a strike of annoyance and drunkess in his face. You whinced and stepped back. He seemed to forget what just happened as he stepped forward and cupped your face. "You're so prettyyyy" he once again, slurred. Grabbing his arm your pushed him away trying to dominant over this situation, you didn't like how he was acting. "You know what, fuck you!" he yelled as he pushed you back with more force than intended, you tumbled and fell back into the wall, hitting your head on a picture breaking the glass. You felt your head getting wet, you placed a hand on your head and brought it back down to see blood on your hand. Tears pricked your eyes as you grabbed your keys and ran out of the house, tears streaming down your face. You headed for Jake's house which was only a few streets away. I knew he'd be one of the most sober out of the 5, except from Jinxx who lived quite far away. I knocked on his door, it took him a while to answer but he did, and looked slightly drunk but he appeared to sober up when he saw me. "(Y/N) what happened?!". You broke down in tears, Jake pulled you into a hug and invited you in, you explained everything as he tended to your wound. He let you stay for the night, you fell asleep on the sofa.


You woke up early the next morning quite early, the door bell woke you up. Jake opened the door, a messy looking Andy barged in, his face puffy and red as id he'd been crying. Looking over to the sofa he pratically dived over and pulled me into a hug. "I'm so sorry baby, so so sorry" his voice breaking as he started to tear up. "I-I was drunk and didn't know what I was doing and didn't intend to do anything to scare or hurt you please forgive me I fucked-" You silenced him by placing a finger on his lip. You could understand, you knew it was just the drink, and who could stay mad at that face? You softly kissed him. "I understand Andy...just promise me you'll never get like that again". "I promise, anything for you baby"


I decided to start writing Imagiens on here, should I write more? Sorry if it's a bit crappy, not written in ages v.v 

Leave a comment, let me know? Also, requests would be great ^-^ 

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