Warped tour surprise (Ashley Purdy imagine)

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Crowds were screaming, there was a smell of sun-screen in the air, and music was coming from all angles. Yep, you’re at warped tour. You and your friends were sat on the grass, absorbing the sun until you realized you really needed the toilet, staying hydrated in the heat was a hard job. You excused yourself and headed to the port-a-loos. You turned around the corner, to see none other than Ashley Purdy, leaning against a pile of boxes staring down at his phone. You mouthed ”Oh my god…” to yourself, your eyes set on him. You stood there, not knowing what to say, almost in a state of shock. You managed to take a step forward, as you did, he looked up and took off his sunglasses, staring right at you. His face went from blank to something similar to ”bedroom face”.

”Hey” He said as he placed his sunglasses on his head and his phone into his tight jeans.

”…”, you were stuck for words

”No need to be nervous, what’s your name?” 

You relaxed a bit as he was acting casual with you, you finally opened your mouth after breathing out a sense of relief, you were kind of scared of him in a way.

”I’m (y/n)”

”Nice to meet you, (y/n)” he said, approaching you.

You watched him walk closer to you, examining his oh-so-perfect-tattooed body. He looked you up and down, specifically your shirt (which was Black Veil Brides)

”You a fan?” He smirked

You nodded frantically, he laughed at your actions.

”How about you come join us in the tour bus? It’ll be fun, I’ll let the guys know and come by the bus at around 8.00pm tonight?”

Once again, you were lost for words. You soon managed to choke a few words out;

”S-sure!” You played with your hair nervously

”See you later then” he smiled once again and walked away, brushing your arm with his as he walked past.

You turned around and watched him leave, rubbing your eyes to make sure you weren’t imagining things, you weren’t. Shaking your head in disbelief, but still smiling you ran back to your friends telling them everything, even they couldn’t believe it.


You re-did your make-up and hair, making sure you looked and felt presentable to see your idols, Black Veil Brides. You checked yourself out in the reflection of your phone once more before jogging to the tour bus. You sighed, scared, lifting your hand up to knock on the door. Before you could, Ashley opened the door, smiling.

”(y/n)!” He shouted before grabbing you and pulling you onto the bus

He dragged you into the main area where Andy, Jake, Jinxx and CC sat, all looking as perfect as ever. They all greeted you with big hugs, CCs obviously the biggest, they all seemed so stoked to see you. ”What has Ashley said…” you thought to yourself. He guided you to sit down in the circle, just what were they planning?…CC ended up answering your question by shouting ”TRUTH OR DAAAAAAAARE!!!!!”. You were quite nervous as to what was going to happen, there was a full bottle of vodka and shot glasses placed infront of everyone. The forfit you assumed. After a few funny dares, which included Andy running outside, shouting things and running back in and plenty of other things that made you giggle. It was Andy’s turn to dare someone.

He cleared his throat before saying proudly ”I dare Ashley…to make out with (y/n)!”

You both looked at Andy with wide eyes, then at each other, you could’ve sworn you turned a shade of pink. ”DO IT, DO IT” chanted the other four. You looked down at the floor trying not to make eye contact with anyone, until in a split second Ashley his forefinger under your chin, lifting your head up to line to his and crashed his lips onto yours. You knew you turned a shade of pink now. You melted into the kiss. wasting no time, Ash brushed his tongue on your bottom lip asking for entrance which you allowed without thinking which earned you wolf whistles from the four boys. You both pulled away at the same time, you instanstly looked down to the floor again sheepishly. Andy and CC high-fived each other, was this a plan or something? A few more dares past, some dares you wouldn’t do so you took a shot of vodka, you found out a few secrets about the band and their personal life and they learnt a few things about you. The night passed, Jake kept slowly closing his eyes so he ended up nodding off, Jinxx had too much vodka and ended up hugging the toilet, you started to get a bit tired and slightly drunk so you all agreed on getting some sleep. You slept on the tour bus with the band, you slept on the floor which you apparently ”insisted” on doing.

You were the last to wake up, apart from Jinxx that was awake but kept falling asleep every 15 minutes.

”I best get back to my tent, my friends will be worried” you told the guys

They all nodded and said their goodbyes, but every one of them would keep looking at Ashley. Finally Ashley asked you if he could walk you to the tent, which you agreed to. You waved goodbye as you both jumped off the bus. He walked you to around the corner where you met, trying not to get in anyone sight, he didn’t want fangirls piling on him.

He pulled you into a hug before letting you go, he seemed as if he wanted to ask you something, he hesitated to say goodbye.

”Well…I best be off, thanks again Ashley”

He nodded and thanked you back, before digging around in his pocket. You watched him pull out a small slip of paper, handing it to you. You opened it to find a number, smiling to yourself you put it in your pocket, throwing your arms around him for one last hug.

”Keep in contact, okay?”

You pulled away before nodding

”I promise” you smiled, kissing him on the cheek and ran to your tent.


thanks to the few that comment/vote<3

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