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It was Tuesday and Leila woke up feeling refreshed after a long nights rest. The pain in her mouth had subsided drastically and she was beginning to feel like herself again. Leila picked up her phone off the nightstand to see a few texts had appeared on her notification list.

One text caught her eye in particular as she saw the that it was from Jake as the text below read,"Can you meet at 10?" Which was followed by,"Do you need a ride?"

Leila completely forgot that she was meeting Jake at the coffee shop and got out of bed noticing that her analogue clock read 9:17 AM.

She quickly shot a text back to Jake her fingers moving quickly,"Yes I can meet you at 10" followed by, "I can drive myself"

She quickly scanned over her texts seeing one from her mom saying Hope you have a good day sweetheart. Leila's lips quirked into an uncanny smile and responded,"Thank you." Proceeded by a "Hope you also have a good day"

There was another text from Sarah asking Do you have any plans for today? Which she responded to, "I'm going to get coffee with a friend."

Leila got up out of her bed and headed to her closet to try and figure out what she was going to wear. Leila wasn't quite sure if this was a date not knowing exactly the intent of their little coffee meeting but Leila decided to choose a semi-casual dress just to be on the safe side. It resembled a shirt dress with blue embroidered flowers sweeping across the front. She quickly changed into it, giving a small twirl in the mirror as she stared back at her reflection.

After she felt satisfied with her appearance she headed to the bathroom to brush her teeth, hair and apply makeup. She always had to look presentable.

She headed out the door at 9:45 grabbing a small clutch purse containing her license, debit card and a few other essentials.
Jake tapped his foot nervously at the hard ground of the coffee shop as he stared blankly into his Iced tea. He wore a crisp lab coat over a neat suit that gave him a professional edge. Inscribed on the pocket was Jake Jackson DDS. He hoped that it didn't intimidate Leila but he had to wear it because  he had work afterwards. Jake was very proud of himself. He had gotten state certified for his dentistry license after a long 4 years and was elated to finally accomplish his goal even though it wasn't exactly his dream.

When he showed his dad the plaque he actually smiled at him and told him Good Job son which he hadn't heard  for a long time. It felt good to know that his dad was proud of him.

The watch on his arm read 9:55 as he stared expectantly at the door for Leila. Jake was always punctual, mainly because his dad always lectured him about the importance and blah blah blah. In all honesty though Jake had gotten there at 9:30 because he was so nervous. It sounds juvenile but he couldn't stop thinking about what Leila said after she woke up.

He decided that day that he had to find out if she still felt that way when she wasn't drugged up. In a way he felt that she owed him that.

Leila pulled into the parking lot and got out making sure to lock her car as she received a text back from Sarah that read what friend? With a winky face. Which made Leila roll her eyes amusedly. It was funny when Sarah tried to sound all mysterious.

She walked into the Starbucks and immediately the inviting smell of aromatic coffee enveloped her senses. To her, it was one of the most comforting smells in the world.

Leila spotted Jake sitting at a table adjacent to the wall and started to tentatively walk towards him. She immediately noticed that Jake looked different. He looked like a dentist in his crisp lab coat and dentists scared the living hell out of her.

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