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Hello hello my lovely readers. Thank you so much for taking the time out of your day to follow up on my story. Sorry it's been a few months..But I am back now!! I'm going to try to release a new chapter about once or twice a week depending on my school workload. Anyways enjoy the stories and like always let me know what you think 👍🏻
Leila paced back and forth on her bedroom floor, trying to calm the commotion of her restless mind. She tried to make a mental list of everything that that ensued in the past few days in an effort to bring some order to the chaos that she felt her life had become.
For one Jake said that she liked her and she completely froze and didn't know what to say. Then she texted him asking to go to the movies...She thought that she liked him but just couldn't be certain. It also still felt odd that he was her dentist. Like who has a crush on her dentist? There was no rational explanation in her mind to convince her that this was okay.

And two, she didn't know what to do about Armin. The boy literally confessed his feelings to her and once again she didn't know what to say. And she was supposed to be meeting with him. How had she got caught up in all of this drama. She had no idea how to deal with this
Sarah watched Leila with a half amused half concerned expression on her face. She had never seen Leila so flustered and she didn't exactly know how to help her friend. She was just pacing back and forth mumbling things to herself. Leila only ever did this before she had tests and Sarah knew for a fact that Leila did NOT have a test.

Sarah left her to her anxious brewing for a few more minutes before exclaiming,"Leila! You have to tell me what is wrong...You asked me to come here and talk...I'm here to talk but you're not exactly doing any talking"

This broke Leila out of her thought bubble and she responded embarrassedly,"Ya I just...can I tell you something?.... and you can't tell anyone..."

To that Sarah nodded her head and with sincerity said,"Yes of course, you know that you can, your secret is safe with me" Now Sarah's curiosity had reached a pique. She honestly didn't know what Leila was going to say but it wasn't what she expected.
All of a sudden the floodgates opened and Leila began spilling the words from her mouth. She explained to Sarah,"I have a problem...I asked Jake to go to the movies, you know the one form the coffee shop, but also I still have to meet with Armin because he said that he liked me but I don't know what to do and.. ARGH...I just need help...I'm a mess and for once in my life my brain is failing me...I feel so stupid and lost and confused and this feeling is just so inexplicable....I just need someone to tell me what to do...and I need advice."
Sarah's heart felt like it had just dropped into her chest..Armin...liked Leila...at this realization she just wanted to die in that moment. It almost felt like betrayal but so much worse because it wasn't even intentional. However she played it off cool because, no one could know how she felt....

A chuckle escaped from her mouth that transformed into a body shaking laughter as she said out of breath,"Oh MY GOD Leila, you have a crush on you're dentist! The man we saw at the pharmacy??!"

Leila's face turned beet red and she crossed her arms and just yelled,"SHUT UP"

That made Sarah roll with laughter even more and said,"I see, I see"

Leila angrily turned to her and said,"WELL what do I do? You're supposed to be the smart one!"

Sarah stopped laughing noticing the serious tone in Leila's voice and began to think about it. After a few moments she offered her advice to Leila. She said,"I think that you should just be honest about your feelings for both of them...It's just going to hurt Armin more if you withhold the truth from him and you're just going to confuse Jake even more if you keep on denying your feelings for him"

Sarah said this for selfish reasons but also because if she was on the receiving end of the rejection, she'd want to know if someone truly didn't have feelings for her instead of leading her on. At this thought she cringed.
She remembered
One fall evening Leila, Armin and her had a bonfire in Armin's backyard. Leila got tired so she went to sleep before Armin and her. When Leila went to sleep Armin and her got time to themselves. She vividly remebered how Armin clasped her hand in his and gently whispered into her ear,"Come with me I want to show you something"

The Secret Mind Of a DentistWhere stories live. Discover now