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They get in to Dami's car. Which is a Honda Pilot. It has 7 seats and is a bluish gray color.

Hoseok turns on the car and music just started blasting out of the speakers. As that happened they all started singing. They could actually sing pretty well.

Hoseok lowers the volume but they continue to sing. Hoseok comments on their singing. They thank him and continue until the CD then ends. They then ask Yoongi to open the storage box in between the passenger and driver seat. He does, and the whole thing is full of kpop albums. He asks which one they want. They tell him. And then he finds it and places it into the stereo. It is a group called Big Bang. They enjoy it. When the rapping part comes on Yoongi even joins in. Hoseok didn't know Yoongi could rap so well. And so could Dami. According to them they would some times have rap battles between them too.

They finally arrive at the hospital. They walk up to the receptionist.

Good morning. With what may I help you?

Um. I need to be checked into a 72 hours.

Yes of course. We will send you right in when the psychiatric doctors becomes available, so please wait a few minutes. Just write down your name here. She says pointing at the clipboard. Yoongi writes down his name and then sits down with his friends. After a couple of minutes. His name is called.

Min Yoongi. Calls a nurse.

We will miss you. Says Dami.

They all hug Yoongi, this time around Hoseok also joining into the group hug.

Bye Yoongiii! the nuns say as he walks away. Hoseok gives him a small, warm smile and gives a small wave.

Yoongi is lead to a room where the first few procedures are to be done.

I the nurse that will probably help you through these few procedures and maybe some at the other ward. Okay? My name is Seulgi.

Okay, thank you.

So now I will have you take of every thing off. And the put this on. She hands Yoongi a hospital gown. So first they are to check for any physical injuries. And then take you up to the psych unit.


The room it self is pretty empty. Probably so people being emmited don't try to kill themselfs. Only things there are the the cabinets which appear to be locked and the examination table.

Yoongi quickly changes into the gown and put every thing into a pile on the floor. A minute later a doctor comes in.

Hello Yoongi. My name is Kim Jinhwan and I will be checking you for any physical injuries and I will also be taking some blood samples. It is going to feel like a routine check up.


The doctor starts the check up. It takes about half an hour to get all the exams done. Afterwards the doctor then take some blood samples to test.

So now you are to be taken to the psych ward. The nurse should be here soon. As he says that the nurse comes in. Oh she is here now. Okay then Seulgi take him to the ward.

Yurp sure thing doc. Says Seulgi. She then holds up a bag And hands it over to Yoongi. This is for your cloths and other belongings. After you place your things in the bag please hand them over to me.

Yoongi does as she says. After he places all his belongings in the bag he hands it over. She then leads Yoongi out of the room and to the other ward.

The walls leading to the other ward are plain and barren. They went into the elevator to go to another floor.

This floor is just as barren as the previous one. As they walk down the hall, there are screams coming from one of the rooms.

They reach the door and the nurse opens the door and they step into the room.

The room doesn't have any windows. But compared to the other room this room has some color. It has like a greenish cream color on the walls with a strip of olive green running along the top. The only thing in the room is a bed and a chair.

The psychiatrist will come in here in a couple of minutes. So please wait until they arrive.

The nurse then leaves and goes to put Yoongi's stuff up.

Minutes later the psychiatrist arrives to the room. They knock on the door, then they go into the room.

There is something about the doctor that is off. Yoongi thinks he looks familiar but doesn't know where they could have encountered each other.

Hello Min Yoongi I am...


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