( 13 ) Sorry

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Ppang !

She turned her head , look at where the sound come from . It's from Jungkook , She looked at the ground where Yoongi lying with bloody body. He was shot by himself , he cursing while hissed in pain .

Jungkook take a gun from him and take it with him while make his way towards where Eunha lying , he take the blanket and cover all her exposed body .Eunha just looked at him , speechless .

Sana looked at Yoongi , trying to take his walkie-talkie to call all his bodyguards . She hate him , really really hate . She take the walkie-talkie on the desk and throw it from the window to outside , Yoongi on the ground screaming .

" How dare you treat me like that , I'm your father and i raised you to be a good and manners human . Where's all that in yours huh ?!" He said while groaning .

Sana looked at him slightly .

" It's you who make me changes ! " She burst in tears again .

" Did you think how much i'm hurt seeing you ruin my friends ? Did you ever think how i thought you were a good father and can bring me to the good path ? I think all the good from you than the bad , but guess what ? You make me hate you more ! " She kick his stomach hardly make him shout in pain .

" I hate you ! " The last words from her before make her way to Jungkook and helping her with brought Eunha get out from the mansion , no its hell .

" You'll will regret it soon , Minatozaki Sana ."


Eunha wake up from her unconditional sleep and looked around the room , her fears surrounding her head and she started crying . She can feel that Yoongi will enter this room and beat her hardly .

She's crying and stand up from the bed but her weak legs shaking and thats make her laying on the ground , She growning in pain since her tension last night still left there . She's crying and begging for help .

" Eunha ! " Then she looked at the front door . She don't know if this was in her dream but how she feel the pain ?

Sana ran to get her , she's grab Eunha's arm to help her get up from the floor and sat her down on the bed . She look pale and weak , She worried about her .

" Let's go to hospital , you look weak ." Sana said .

" I'm okay sana , I'm just tired and i need more rest ." She said and pull her arms from sana's holding .

Sana sadly looked at her and hug her from the side . She cried with her ripped heart , she hug Eunha tightly and don't want to let her go .

She feel guilty and pity about her , She never expect this will happen towards her . She cant describe how much she care about her but when this unlucky happen , she can't forgive herself .

" I'm sorry , it was all my mistake ." She said and cry more harder .

On the other side , Eunha doesn't feel anything . All she felt is blank , she don't know what happen with herself . She even don't look and care about Sana , she never look how she cried beside her and hugging her .

She don't know who she is right now , she don't know why her like this and what happen with her feelings .

Is this a grudge ? She hate Yoongi too much until she don't want to look at his relate too ?

She don't get it why , she hated all people right now . To her , they all the same , she want to destroy people .

" I hate you , sana ."

Short chapter but nice inside hmm

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