( 23 ) New life

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" Is that true ? "

They turned their head to the door where that figure caught their attention , It's Sana .

As fast as he can , Yoongi stood up and walked towards her in hope she's not listening what she heard before. 

" What's true ? It's noth-"

" What are you trying to hide ? There's nothing you gonna have to hide Yoongi , Just be honest and tell her the truth that you're just a brother of her.  " Said Eunha while holding Junki on her arms , She knew the secret even before he knew sana because she and Jungkook was a bestfriend when they're still kids and Jungkook often met her and he tell everything to her about Sana till she met her . ( Both of them from the same alley )

" I told you to take care of her , EUNHA ." Said Yoongi and stand up , making his way towards Eunha that holding their babies with anger inside his eyes . In his mind he cursing this woman front him while imagining that he killed her directly but -

" If inside your mind that you wanted to killed me then go ahead,  I don't mind at all but Junki must be with me. " She said make him stopped and clinch his jaw, she really knows his weakness , that is Junki getting hurt . He loves his baby and he can't denied that he also loved the mother of his baby , Eunha . It just his ego control his whole body , He lost with it .

" Tell the truth to Sana . "

He looked at Sana that looking at him with her teary eyes , red nose and face . He knows it hurt to tell the truth because he keep it almost a years and it leaked easily , He really feel bad towards himself but he still holding his own words that he wanted the best for Sana. He doesn't want her feel losing and empty , He afraid if he gonna lose his one and only flesh blood .

" I'm sorry ." The words that he can say , so far.

" Remember when I told you that me and your mom divorced and you're at oversea ? And I said it was five years ago ? " He said .

" That's all was a lied. " He said again and walk towards Sana before hug her tight . Only two things comes in his mind whether she will forgive him or hate him for the rest of her life , this scene was his biggest fear .

"Is it obvious ? Why you lied when you can tell me the truth ? " She said and pushed him away . She enough with all his actions , she afraid if now was his another actions too .

" I have too ! I don't have any idea what I'm doing but I do it just to make you doesn't feel alone ! I don't want to see you in bad ways where we lost our families and I don't want you to blame yourself because of losing them . I just wanted to make you happy , Sana ." He said with full tears around his face , He can't fight back his emotional , He failed this time because he know it's over and nothing he need to hide .

" You did think that's all was alright but actually for me ? that all make me sick ! You never make me happy and you never ever make me HAPPY ! " she yelled . Yes , the truth is she going through all the lies everyday and calling her brother as a dad really hurt her so much . She never expect this gonna be a hurtful things , she cried harder and harder to relief the pain that she been lying by her brother but none of it been relieved .

" I'm sorry, Sana " He quickly knelt down and held Sana's leg tightly and hugged her tightly, not wanting to let her go.  All he has in his heart is guilty and he wants to ask her sister for forgiveness as much as she can but all she did just watching him crying .

" I don't want to hear anything , I want to leave !" She said and walked away from there with Eunha following her behind . The sadness in her life really broke her heart into a pieces and she don't know which one should her collect and combined as she afraid to trust people . She's mad , sad and feel useless all mix . She hate everyone even Jungkook for not telling her the truth , She feel like a fool .

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